Carousell 旋轉拍賣





Carousell旋轉拍賣是讓網路買賣跟拍照聊天一樣簡單的手機app。2012年8月在新加坡推出,目前已拓展至亞洲的8 個市場,現有超過2億5千萬件刊登商品,是全球最大且成長最快速的社群拍賣平台之一,在新加坡、台灣、及香港的生活及購物手機app排名前端。Carousell旋轉拍賣獲得挪威電信、樂天創投、紅杉印度及Naspers的投資。Carousell旋轉拍賣商品多元,共有超過30種分類包含女性時尚、美妝保養及電子產品等。

公司成員 ( 1 / 5 )

郭修瑞 Quek Siu Rui

陳翊偉 Marcus Tan

吳承翰 Lucas Ngoo

Damiano Tietto

Achi Chen

郭修瑞 Quek Siu Rui Co-founder

Siu Rui is a co-founder of Carousell and oversees Product and Marketing. Since the launch of Carousell in May 2012 together with co-founders Marcus Tan and Lucas Ngoo, Siu Rui has been deeply involved in product strategy, international expansion and capital strategy. He is passionate about technology and has been buying and selling online since he was 13. This has been a driving force behind Siu Rui’s commitment to building a product-focused company, focused on solving meaningful problems for people globally. Prior to Carousell, Siu Rui spent some time in marketing and product management at VSee, Ogilvy & Mather and DBS Vickers. Siu Rui read Business Administration and Entrepreneurship at National University of Singapore and Stanford University (Under the NUS Overseas College Program in Silicon Valley, California), and dropped out of his Honours year to start Carousell.

陳翊偉 Marcus Tan Co-founder

Marcus is co-founder of Carousell and oversees Design, Operations and Talent. Since the launch of Carousell in May 2012 together with co-founders Quek Siu Rui and Lucas Ngoo, Marcus has been deeply involved in the product design and community building. He is a self-taught designer obsessed with simple user interfaces, and his approach to design can be see in Carousell’s clean and intuitive app interface. Prior to Carousell, Marcus spent a year at Oracle as a consultant. He’s also spent some time as a product manager at Wikinvest, and has held various marketing roles at DDB, Yahoo, and Coca Cola. Marcus read Business Administration and Entrepreneurship at the National University of Singapore and Stanford University (Under the NUS Overseas College Program in Silicon Valley, California). In his free time, he loves photography and plays football.

吳承翰 Lucas Ngoo Co-founder

Lucas is a co-founder of Carousell and oversees Engineering. Since the launch of Carousell in May 2012 together with co-founders Marcus Tan and Quek Siu Rui, Lucas has been working closely with the engineering team on technical, architecture and data direction and strategies. He is dedicated to building a team of world-class engineers to keep Carousell at the forefront of the industry. He is also passionate about product development, iOS development, and applying data science to solve problems at a large scale. Prior to Carousell, Lucas spent some time as a software engineer at RedBeacon (acquired by Home Depot). Lucas read Computer Engineering and Entrepreneurship at the National University of Singapore and Stanford University (under the NUS Overseas College Program in Silicon Valley, California).

Damiano Tietto Director of Engineering

Damiano joined Carousell in July 2017 to start and be the Site Manager of the new Taiwan Developer Center (TWDC). He is based in Taipei, he led the Payment & Shipping team to launch 7-11 integration in Taiwan and Caroupay in Singapore. In his free time, he loves to go running on mountains, hiking and playing with his little daughter.

Achi Chen Engineering Manager

Achi is an Engineering Manager in TWDC. He leads Buyer Experience team to deliver great features for buyers on Carousell. He worked in famous enterprises like Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwanmobile and Trendmicro, freelanced, also joined 2 startups before falling in love with the great mission and culture in Carousell.


★ Solve problems 解決問題

Carousell was conceived because of our focus on solving problems. And this focus is what will keep us improving, always.


★ Care deeply 用心關懷

We always ask how we can do better. And we go the extra mile to help and improve wherever possible.


★ Mission-first 目標第一

When faced with difficult decisions, always look to the mission. No single person’s ego should come in the way of the mission.


★ Be relentlessly resourceful 竭盡所能

We do things that do not scale. And we work around constraints. We’ll do whatever it takes to delight our community.


★ Stay humble 保持謙虛

We are always less than 1% done. Our mission is to serve the world, and we want to make online selling accessible to every person who’s connected to the internet.



2012年3月,首次在新加坡創業周末比賽(Startup Weekend Singapore)提出 Carousell 旋轉拍賣的概念;54小時後 Carousell 旋轉拍賣的雛型就誕生了,並成為比賽的大贏家。創業之初曾遭數次拒絕;但後來在一次提案後獲得新加坡大學企業機構提供的7,000新幣(約168,000台幣),開始進一步發展公司理念。

2012年5月在Plug-in@Blk 71正式開始投入日以繼夜的開發工程。創辦人之一郭修瑞此時從榮譽學位輟學,陳翊偉離開了甲骨文公司,而吳承翰則在學業與全職間掙扎。每天早上10時上班,晚上11時53分下班,趕搭尾班車回家,之後繼續工作至半夜2點。

2014年11月,由美國紅杉資本領導第一輪融資,募得 600萬美金(約1億9200萬台幣)。其中包括樂天創投、Golden Gate Ventures、500 Startups以及連續創業家Darius Cheung。


2016年8月,Carousell 旋轉拍賣宣佈成功於第二輪融資募得3,500萬美金(約11.2億台幣)。此項融資由樂天風險投資公司帶領,並與紅杉印度、金門風險投資公司及創業 500 攜手。





1. 配備Macbook Air/Pro。

2. 像Airbnb的輕工業風開放辦公空間!地點在交通方便的中山區~

3. 免費零食和健康水果,有廚房、冰箱、微波爐等等,保證你隨時都有東西可以吃!

4. 每週Family Friday 提供免費午餐,同時會由新加坡總部進行全球同步連線,分享最新動態!

5. 國際化工作環境,可以向不同國家、不同團隊同事線上學習交流!

6. 不定期員工聚餐、Team building活動、免費機票到新加坡總部交流機會!

7. 享有勞健保、團保、健檢和個人訓練補助!

企業網誌 ( 4 )

媒體報導 ( 4 )


