Sr. UX Researcher


As a global leader in cloud security, Trend Micro develops Internet content security and threat management solutions that make the world safe for businesses and consumers to exchange digital information. With over 20 years of experience, we’re recognized as the market leader in server security for delivering top-ranked client, server, and cloud-based data protection solutions that stop threats faster and protect data in physical, virtualized, and cloud environments.

Trend Micro is seeking an outstanding User Experience Researcher to lead high-quality customer research towards innovating meaningful and useful products and services for commercial and consumer customers.

As a User Experience Researcher, you will work with marketing, product management and development leaders to create the security solutions with delightful customer experience. You will help set and document the vision for the future security user experience, serving as a customer advocate to ensure the highest level of usefulness, desirability and customer satisfaction. You will collaborate with teams across the company in different regions to ensure we maintain industry leadership and deliver innovative and useful products.


- Plan, design and conduct high quality user research, including methods such as: ethnographic field studies, participatory design sessions, site visits, benchmark studies, usability studies, heuristic evaluations, and similar approaches.
- Provide insight and vision to the team based on researching user behavior and needs. Convert research findings into actionable results.
- Work closely with marketing, design, and product management to define the next generations of business concepts and solutions.
- Synthesize research findings from other data sources (including market research and data mining) into meaningful recommendations and actionable items.
- Propose and define strategic initiatives based on research findings to executives and senior management.



- Bachelor's degree in Human Factors, Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive or Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Science, or related field (or equivalent experience)
- Master's degree or Ph.D. is preferred.
- At least 2 years experience in conducting user experience research using a wide variety of research methods.
- Demonstrated success at developing creative and comprehensive research strategies to reveal unforeseen opportunities and issues that have a significant impact on product strategy and design.
- Must be innovative, demonstrate an ability to "think out of the box", and think beyond what is asked for.
- Must be organized, able to act independently, and able to switch rapidly between different projects in a distributed global environment.
- Excellent written and oral communication skills.





我們相信,創意的泉源來自於身心靈富足的員工,讓同仁做最好的自己 (Be The Best Part of Yourself) 是我們一直以來的核心信念。因此,『 BEST (Beloved, Enjoyment, Self-realization and Take-calculated Risk 』成為趨勢科技全方位的幸福法則。

Beloved 寵愛
趨勢科技對員工的寵愛不只是薪水或免費的會議點心下午茶,在資安威脅與技術不斷改變的時代, 我們以實際行動支持員工新技術的學習,不設限的訓練預算,內部聽不完的技術分享 ,每年舉辦全球技術競賽,提供高額獎金,讓大家在遊戲與互助的氛圍下技術升級! 此外,我們也重視同仁的意見與感受,創辦人或各階主管,對同仁意見與問責的高度重視與有效反饋,透過員工大會或是電子信箱,每一位員工都有機會被看見與聽見。

Enjoyment 享樂

Self-realization 自我實現
持續打造讓趨勢人充分發揮潛能與創造力的舞台!趨勢科技立足台灣著眼世界,經由跨國專案、技術競賽與職務輪調,淬鍊出趨勢人精湛的技術力、跨文化所需的語言力、人際影響力以及對市場客戶的洞悉力,讓台灣囝仔在國際舞台發光發熱。趨勢科技也鼓勵員工與公司一起回饋社會,趨勢全球公民計畫每年提供員工3天志工假,支持同仁親身參與菲律賓蓋房子計劃 (Home Building) 與台灣偏鄉程式教育營隊(Program the World),共創企業與個人成為全球公民並追求自我實現。

Take-calculated Risk 容錯文化
企業追求成長創新,最怕多做多錯、不做不錯的風氣,趨勢科技執行長暨共同創辦人陳怡樺一直以來倡導Take-calculated Risk的企業文化,曾親自帶領趨勢管理團隊共同扛起第一線同仁因嘗試創新作法引發的業務危機,帶動了趨勢人勇於任事、敢於創新的開創精神。

