撰文者/FunPodium Corporate Communication

2021-07-09 Views: 2677

What's FUN Talk?

Corporate communications help drive the engagement between the company and its many stakeholders. However, one stakeholder group that tends to be forgotten in the process is the employees in the company. In fact, according to Gallup, an American analytics and advisory company, 74% of employees feel they are missing out on company information and news. As one of the solutions to such an issue, FunPodium started the program “FUN Talk” in 2020! 

"FUN Talk" is FunPodium’s internal knowledge sharing program, and this program aims to encourage the sharing of information within the company. Each week during Friday’s lunchtime, we invite speakers from different departments to host a 20-minute session, where they can feel free to share any topic. By doing so, FunPodium believes this will be a great opportunity for all our employees to learn new things in distinctive fields, and create an open atmosphere for knowledge sharing. Currently, we’ve hosted more than 25 sessions of FUN Talk! 

企業溝通有助於推動公司與其眾多利益相關者之間的互動。 然而,同為公司利益相關群體的員工們卻容易在資訊分享的過程中被遺忘。 事實上,據美國分析和諮詢公司蓋洛普 (Gallup) 稱,74% 的員工認為他們並沒有妥善接收到公司信息和新聞。 作為此類問題的解決方案之一,FunPodium 於去年推出了 “FUN Talk”! 

“FUN Talk”為公司內部的信息共享 program,旨在鼓勵大家互相交流資訊。 每週週五的午餐時間,我們都會邀請來自不同部門的演講者主持 20 分鐘的會議,他們可以隨意分享任何主題。 通過這樣做,FunPodium 相信這是個讓員工接觸不同領域、學習新事物並打造知識共享氛圍的絕佳機會。截至目前爲止,我們已經舉辦超過25場FUN Talk! 

We deliver cloud SaaS(software-as-a-service) to the masses. At FunPodium, we leverage t...