撰文者/Funpodium Welfare Committee

2020-06-10 Views: 3992

Happy Three Year Anniversary to Funpodium!

Funpodium is now three years old! Since the beginning of our journey, we have always endeavored to help our employees equip themselves with professionalism while thriving in the joyous work atmosphere. To celebrate the three-year anniversary of the company, the Welfare Committee of Funpodium organized a party for everyone to enjoy this moment of merriness together. Merging the celebration with the monthly birthday party, the committee decided to bring in games and prizes to spice up the occasion. No party is complete without pizzas and drinks, so the committee also has those prepared for our hardworking employees.


The party started with our CEO, John, giving a little speech on how he established the company with the intent to let the employees learn new things while working, know how to respect each other in the big family, and can support one another to grow together. Finishing his short speech, John cut into the two cakes that were prepared for the anniversary, and after a big round of applause, it's finally game time! The first game is Who Drank the Lemonade, where each department sent out a representative to drink from a cup that had either water or lemonade inside. After each representative drank from their cups, the audience would try to guess who actually drank the lemonade, and those who guessed it right will receive prizes. Our considerate Welfare Committee also added a few more rounds to make sure everyone had the chance to win a prize. It is from this game that we found out we have some good actors in the company!


The next game was Funpodium Pop Quiz, which is a game where the employees need to answer trivia questions about the company, and only the people who raise their hands fast enough and answer the questions correctly can win the prizes. Everyone was excited about this game because it seemed like a good chance to take the prizes home. A little bird told the committee that our Editorial department studied company information a few days before the party. No wonder they even got the company's unified business number correct! As the game session came to an end, it's time to savor those carbohydrates. After all, calories don't count when it's party time! There's no better time to bond with your fellow coworkers than when everyone is happily munching on pizzas and drinking boba milk tea. With people chatting and laughing together, it is safe to say that the anniversary celebration and the birthday party were a success.


Let's look forward to Funpodium's next three-year anniversary!









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