內部稽核人員 Internal Auditor

XREX Redefine banking together!


Want to build a worldwide brand from Taiwan, and to communicate our brand story to millions of users worldwide?
Want to be based in Taiwan but work in a silicon-valley-like environment, and to build world-class brand and products?
Want to participate in the global fintech and blockchain movement, and work at an English-speaking workplace?
Come change the world with us! Join this fast-growing startup founded by software veterans and funded by top VCs, Skype co-founders, and the Taiwanese government (NDF)!
We’re hiring for an experienced Internal Auditor. The exact mix of other skills does not matter, so long as your tool chest includes a mix of abilities. Be willing to attack anything that comes your way, learn on the fly and get things done. Come talk to us if you want to push your skillset in a dynamic fast-paced environment.


  • 擬定年度稽核計畫:

    • 依照法規要求擬定年度稽核計畫,涵蓋公司各業務單位和職能部門。

  • 稽核執行與報告:

    • 按計畫執行內部稽核,撰寫稽核報告並提交管理層審核。

    • 協助外部稽核人員的稽核工作,提供所需資料和支持。

  • 內部控制評估:

    • 定期評估各部門內部控制的有效性和效率,識別風險和控制缺陷。

    • 提供建設性意見和改進建議,並跟進改進措施的落實情況。

  • 金融檢查配合:

    • 配合主管機關進行的金融檢查,確保公司合規性。

    • 準備和提交相關檢查所需的文件和報告。

  • 其他主管交辦事項:

    • 完成上級主管指派的其他稽核相關工作和專案。



  • Develop Annual Audit Plans:

    • Develop annual audit plans according to regulatory requirements, covering all business units and functional departments.

  • Conduct Audits and Reporting:

    • Execute internal audits as planned, draft audit reports, and submit them for management review.

    • Assist external auditors with their audit work by providing necessary data and support.

  • Evaluate Internal Controls:

    • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of internal controls across departments, identifying risks and control deficiencies.

    • Provide constructive opinions and improvement suggestions, and follow up on the implementation of improvement measures.

  • Coordinate with Regulatory Inspections:

    • Coordinate with regulatory bodies for financial inspections, ensuring company compliance.

    • Prepare and submit necessary documents and reports for inspections.

  • Other Assigned Tasks:

    • Complete other audit-related tasks and projects as assigned by supervisors.



  • 學歷與經驗:

    • 具稽核相關證照(如CIA、CPA等),至少五年內部或外部稽核查核經驗。

    • 熟悉加密貨幣產業、區塊鏈或證券金融相關產業者優先考慮。

  • 技能與能力:

    • 能夠獨立作業,具有良好的問題解決能力和分析能力。

    • 出色的溝通和協調能力,能夠有效與各部門合作。

    • 熟練使用稽核軟體和辦公軟體。

  • 其他要求:

    • 高度的職業道德和保密意識。

    • 強烈的責任感和細心的工作態度。



  • Education and Experience:

    • Possess relevant audit certifications (e.g., CIA, CPA) with at least five years of internal or external audit experience.

    • Familiarity with the cryptocurrency industry, blockchain, or securities and financial industries is preferred.

  • Skills and Abilities:

    • Able to work independently with excellent problem-solving and analytical skills.

    • Outstanding communication and coordination skills, capable of effectively collaborating with various departments.

    • Proficient in using audit software and office software.

  • Other Requirements:

    • High level of professional ethics and confidentiality.



Location: Taipei (check us out on Google Maps!)

About XREX

Regarding our culture







- 配備Mac電腦
- 人體工學電動升降辦公桌
- 舒適的休憩空間
- 活潑的工作環境
- 免費使用健身器材
- 咖啡及牛奶全天供應
- 全天免費供應零食、季節性鮮果、麵包及多樣飲料

- 保障年薪14個月
- 員工股票選擇權

【Work & Life Balance】
- 每天3個時段彈性上下班
- 優於勞基法的特休假
- 每年全薪病假 10 天,半薪病假 20 天
- 每年提供員工身心補助NT$5,000,照顧員工生活品質
- 全面週休二日,週六不補班
- 員工年度健檢補助
- 員工團保(涵蓋意外傷害,疾病醫療)
- 員工協助方案 Employee assistance program (EAP)
- 公司社團活動 (Yoga, Workout, Dancing, 更多社團等你來創立)

- 員工獨立自主性管理
- 員工自我外部訓練課程補助
- 員工購書補助


NT$ 800,000 - 1,200,000 (年薪)