【What You'll Be Doing...】
- 拓展品牌客戶及合作機會,管理維繫客戶關係。
- 根據市場及客戶需求,提供品牌適合的影響力行銷專案。
- 與專案執行團隊緊密合作,集思廣益達到活動成效及客戶高滿意度。
- 達到公司制定每季目標。
- 活動後客戶服務及結案分析。
- Expanding our client base and maximizing new business development opportunities across Asia.
- Winning and managing key client accounts.
- Working closely with the PM Team and Influencer Team to develop marketing strategies and influencer campaigns for outstanding results.
- Provide influencer marketing solutions to clients based on their marketing goals and needs.
- Achieving set KPI targets and your sales revenue target.
- Striving to exceed client expectations every time - quality is at the heart of what we do.
【Who We Are Looking For ...】
- 數位行銷、電商、廣告業務等相關經驗。曾在新創、電商、或數位行銷公司經驗者優先!
- 對銷售和新創充滿熱情,對社群行銷和網紅生態有興趣。
- 使命必達的精神!卓越的策略思考和銷售能力。
- 優秀的跨部門溝通及團隊合作能力:與內部夥伴一同集思廣益,合作無間達到活動成效以及客戶高滿意度。
- 誠實負責,具有團隊精神。
- Experience working in business development or sales in a digital advertising agency, PR agency, or marketing and advertising related fields.
- Has a passion for startups and business development. Love social media and working in a fast-paced environment.
- Ability in strategic thinking and execution to reach and exceed monthly KPIs.
- Strong ownership and has an entrepreneurial spirit!
- Good at pitching and making PowerPoint slides.
- Exceptional communicator with C-level executives.
◦ 第一年即享有10天年假 / First year 10 days of annual leave
◦ 吃不完零食咖啡 / Company snacks and coffee
◦ 每月健身補助/ Fitness allowance
◦ 女性同仁每月生理假 / Monthly menstrual leave
◦ 年終獎金 / Annual bonus
◦ 三節獎金 / Holiday bonus
◦ 年度員工旅遊 / Company sponsored Trip
◦ 不定期教育訓練 / Company-sponsored Training
◦ 每月公司補助聚餐 / Company-sponsored team meals
◦ 每月生日慶生 / Birthday parties
◦ 平等的公司架構 / Flat team structure
◦ 只要你有好的想法,都機會驅動公司的方向!/ Ability to drive product direction
NT$ 480,000 - 1,500,000 (年薪)