客戶經理 Experienced Account Executive/Manager


The tasks at hand:

We’ll look to you to develop and execute campaigns that integrate seamlessly with the client’s broader marketing strategy, which will require knowledge of the sector and/or marketing in general

  • You will be a relentless problem solver and will constantly be assessing and resolving both simple and complex challenges for both clients and the departments
  • Be prepared to manage day-to-day communications between the client and our team (and a whole host of other people in between.)
  • You will work with (and at times, manage) other internal resources in order to execute against clients’ marketing strategies, campaigns, and goals
  • We expect all of our team members to contribute to the creation and contextualization of program metrics and platform data
  • Add value to advertising support and other services from the expansion strategy mindset, guide the clients to actively investing in their brand based upon their goals, objectives and sales performance.
  • We live and breathe the eCommerce space (and love nothing more than learning about something new) so we expect all of our Account Manager to have an innate curiosity
  • Often you will have to take complex issues or technologies and reframe them for internal and external audiences in a swift and concise fashion


  • 你是一個不畏困難、善於解決問題的人,能在客戶與不同部門之間做好溝通、協商的角色。
  • 你有很強的理解能力,擅長資訊轉譯並化繁為簡,以速迅、簡潔的方式讓客戶與內部團隊理解清楚的方向與下一步計畫。
  • 你有與生俱來的好奇心,喜歡了解新的事物與持續學習。畢竟亞馬遜平台、電子商務、全球趨勢都在時刻變化,因此希望你是能適應快速變化的步調
  • 你會扮演著提供行銷戰略的角色,根據客戶的現況發展,提出相應的行銷策略,引導客戶根據他們的營收目標與業績,為品牌的成長積極地投入資源。


What you will do

Kick-off meeting with Clients & the departments

  • Fully understand our services and deliverables, introduce the service that clients bought and the department team leads they are going to work with, and the cooperation process with us. 
  • Tools that we use: Asana, Notion, Zoom, Loom, Google, Calendly and Pipedrive.


The Bridge

  • You are able to understand mostly of the branding and marketing strategy from the team’s work 
  • You may need to jump into the meetings between clients and the departments when clients have issues on our deliverables or have difficulty understanding/communicating in English (25%).


Accountable of Client KPI's.

  • Sets, Tracks, and Mandates agreed-upon expectations from clients to concerned Amoeba Team (departments in TransBiz).


Create clients’ FAQs on Notion pages and reply it in the Asana Project

  • We use Notion to do the database management and Asana for project management. You will need to create the FAQs details from your closely associated and communication with clients.


Third Party Partner communication and running few errands 

  • We cooperate with a few third parties. You may need to help to attend the webinar for the updates from Amazon and negotiate the project details between third parties, cooperators and the departments.
  • We will receive a client's sample product and will need to check the details and send it to the cooperating party.


Government subsidies report (Not very often)

  • You will work closely with the client and the government related departments to fulfill the subsidy that meets the requirements and benefits among the three.


Ensures client satisfaction.

  • Manage conflicts between Clients and Amoeba Teams via negotiation, clear communication, and empathy


跨部門與客戶間的啟動會議(Kick-off meeting)

  • 充分了解我們的服務內容及交付成果,向客戶介紹他所購買的服務、介紹即將要合作的部門、部門負責人以及專案過程裡的合作模式
  • 我們使用Asana 做主要的專案管理與溝通,Notion 則是像一個資料庫,讓客戶與團隊能清楚知道他的專案內容與細節,會議則是透過Calendly 預約 Zoom/Google Meet 線上會議。客戶的追蹤則使用 Pipedrive


  • 你能夠了解大部分的品牌與行銷策略
  • 當客戶對我們的交付成果提出異議或是在英文溝通/理解上有困能,你會需要協助客戶與部門之間的會議

對客戶的 KPI 負責

  • 在顧及團隊個部門之間的時程安排,設定、追蹤和調整與客戶的需求


  • 我們使用 Notion 作為資料庫,Asana 做為專案管理工具。你會需要根據你與客戶的溝通,在Notion頁面裡,建立常見的問題與回答


  • 你可能會需要參與我們與合作夥伴間的相關會議,了解最新的消息、調節不同部門之間的協作與溝通
  • 我們會收到客戶的樣品,必須協助確認產品的開箱細節並將它寄至相對應的收件部門(可透過線上快遞完成到們取件)


  • 我們會密切地與客戶與政府補助相關單位合作,以確保補助案的細節符合補助需求。


  • 你會需要協助調解客戶與內部不同部門之間的協商,須對客戶展現耐心、同理心與包容


Salary Range

$NTD 35,000 - 45,000, depends on the knowledge and experience of ecommerce strategy and digital marketing, also will have upsell bonus and quartely bonus. 



  • Account Executives NT$35,000
  • Account Manager NT$45,000

依據你對數位行銷與品牌行銷相關的知識與經驗而定,額外有 Upsell 獎金及季度部門盈餘比例獎金


The ideal candidate should have:

  • A Bachelor’s degree and at least 2 years of branding / digital agency experience working on digital / branding strategies, including client-facing experience to handle the objections.
  • The ability to effectively collaborate with multidisciplinary project teams to enable all participants to feel equally invested in strategies and executions and keep everyone in the know and in a position to succeed
  • A sparkling personality that will mesh well with the existing TransBiz family (we love smart people with a dash of quirkiness and humor)
  • An insatiable curiosity and knowledge about all things related to branding, digital marketing and marketing strategy
  • The ability to write concisely and with a strong voice, without typo or delay
  • An interest and comfort level in standing in front of a client or a room full of peers and giving their opinion or a presentation
  • The uncanny ability to see opportunities and solutions in the face of a challenge
  • A smile on their face the majority of the time

  • 至少兩年以上的數位行銷、品牌行銷的工作經驗,包括與客戶面對面的溝通、專案協調。
  • 能同時與不同的部門、團隊進行有效的合作,並讓每個部門及團隊感到你對他們有著同等的重視與尊重
  • 你的學習能力很快、或許還帶點幽默感,能快速融入團體
  • 對所有關於品牌、數位行銷、行銷策略的事物,有強烈的好奇心,並且具備一定的知識
  • 能夠用文字簡潔明瞭地表達你的想法,並且盡可能地不出現錯字
  • 你會盡力地將專案控制在時程中,不喜歡拖延
  • 不畏在眾多人面前/客戶面前,表達想法
  • 在面對挑戰時,能看到機會與解決方案,而不是沒辦法
  • 大部分的時候,你的臉上都帶著微笑


What we expect

  • Experienced in Branding and digital marketing knowledge. From branding to paid Ads (Google Ads, Facebook Ads). Mostly you will work closely with Creative 50% and Amazon Advertising Team 50% 

  • Strong Communication and Negotiation Skills

  • Can speak both English and Mandarin

  • Ability to learn and acquire new skills needed to perform the role effectively

  • Empathetic to the needs of the clients

  • Strong sense of accountability

  • Should be based in Taiwan

Nice to Have 

  •  Ecommerce strategy 

  • 在品牌顧問及數位行銷有一定的經驗與知識。你知道打造一個品牌的過程與細節,到品牌該如何透過數位行銷,如社群行銷、網紅行銷、影音行銷、內容行銷甚至是廣告投放(Google 廣告、Facebook廣告),來獲取客戶、消費者。你將會與團隊的創意相關部門及亞馬遜廣告投放部門密切地合作。
  • 良好的溝通和談判技巧
  • 能使用中、英文溝通(基礎的英文溝通與寫作能力)
  • 有能力學習掌握此職位所需要新技能
  • 對客戶的需求有同理心
  • 有強烈的責任感
  • 期望你的人在台灣
  • Nice to have - 電商策略及相關知識



我們會透過 Zoom 視訊會議進行線上面談







 TransBiz 會吸引你的地方

  • 彈性時間上下班 9~10 點
  • 不定期學習書籍購入&聚餐
  • 可申請菲律賓遠端辦公體驗(因疫情目前全遠端)
  • 推薦朋友加入團隊有 Referral 獎金
  • 一年一次的全員健康檢查補助金
  • 每月享有專業技能學習補助金
  • 可公假參與活動,增加專業技能
  • 不提倡加班文化,希望你高效準時下班
  • 下班不用 LINE 談公事,我們只小酌聊心事
  • 每個月的零食點餐可以選擇自己喜歡的食物和飲品
  • 員工福利每年持續增加中…



  • 學習強度高,在短時間內能快速成長
  • 溝通直接透明,沒有疊床架屋的科層組織
  • 讓每個人的想法都有自我發揮的空間
  • 沒有勾心鬥角、拉幫結派的辦公室政治


NT$ 35,000 - 45,000 (月薪)