運籌網通為解決企業ERP缺乏全球供應鏈管理及物流優化的功能, 增加台灣企業之供應鏈及物流的透明度. 於2004年推出台灣第一個供應鏈物流雲平台GLORY@Platform, ...
運籌網通為解決企業ERP缺乏全球供應鏈管理及物流優化的功能, 增加台灣企業之供應鏈及物流的透明度. 於2004年推出台灣第一個供應鏈物流雲平台GLORY@Platform, 研發團隊自行開發協同技術解決了貿易無紙化並縮短進出口2/3 Lead Time. 團隊將物流經驗設計為優化演算法之各種參數 , 滿足了複雜的運輸的最佳化, 減碳量達30%.
運籌網通領先業界建置公有雲(Public cloud), 以流量計算月租費. 線上資料庫累積超過300萬運次, 目前是台灣交易量最大B2B供應鏈物流雲平台, 運送貨物金額高達數百億元, GLORY@Platform平台不但累積相當可觀的雲端大數據可供企業分析, 運籌網通成爲國內外知名客戶的長期合作夥伴.
運籌網通的研發團隊來自於傳統實體物流產業,以豐富的物流產業經驗開發出令人驚豔的協同作業(Collaborative Operation ) 互動模式的網路作業平台,協助製造業與物流業者同步地在運籌網通的平台上面進行全球運籌協同作業,建構一個:作業接軌 ( Operation Link )、資訊接軌 (Information Link )、平台接軌 ( Portal Link ) 的全球運籌管理體系,經由掌握及整合所有供應鏈體系的即時資訊,提供企業更完備的解決方案及專業服務,進而強化競爭優勢及培養洞燭先機的透視能力提供企業經營運籌帷幄,決勝千里之外之平台利器
Core Competition:
A company that have deep understanding of the business value of logistics industry to drive the use of technology
Mission Statement:
Delivery intelligent global logistics solutions and professional services to companies with operations in Asia.
Value Proposition:
We provide affordable cloud applications to meet dynamic supply chain and logistics management in the world.
Founder Story :
My second experience starting a business was in Hsin-chu Science-based Industrial Park. I had observed that hi-tech manufactories were at the last mile of the global supply chain, and their logistics play an important role in fulfilling worldwide orders. The over 100,000 personnel in shipping and logistic departments were undertaking a tremendous amount of manual operation and were working overtime on a regular basis. Yet, there were lots of mistakes occurred. I could not see on their faces a sense of achievement from their work. As 1,000 hi-tech companies in the park received orders from all over the world, boosting country’s GDP, I discovered a group of inefficient and unhappy people. Therefore, I invested 40 thousands US dollars to start my second business venture, raising 5 million USDs in total. My goal was to create a Cloud platform that would integrate the factories, suppliers, freight forwarders, the warehouse industry, custom brokers, and the transportation industry in the global supply chain. Both sides of shipping department and logistics service team could access the data shared by their partners in the upstream supply chain. The data is processed on the platform and automatically delivered to the partner further down the network. The platform actively monitors every step and time in the supply chain and this process is called collaboration. It was a challenging undertaking, but my entrepreneur team succeeded! I’m extremely proud of the product developed by my team: Glory@Platform. Till now, the Glory@Platform 365 days 7X24 hours none stop to deliver 3 millions of shipments world-widely per year. It was a rare demonstration of the soft power in manufacture industry. For me as a founder, a problem solver, The most exciting is that Glory@Platform dramatically reduced overtime for everyone!Think about that young ladies have much more time to date with her boyfriends. And also those female workers who have kids finally have much more family time. Every time when I saw my clients with happy faces, I felt happy, too. Sincerely welcome you join Toplogis to change industry better !
1. 定期舉辦Team Building,包含登百岳、長程單車、馬拉松賽等活動~
2. 每個月兩次的重訓團體課,免費自由參加!
3. 良好的訓練制度,包含指定專屬學長姐Coach、內部及外部訓練、讀書成長月會等