Corporate Marketing Specialist/Manager

Synology 以台灣自有品牌行銷全球一百多個國家,並隨業務發展在歐洲、美洲、亞太等地區設有六個分公司,總共有近千名全職員工。在 Synology,我們專注把科技帶給有需要的人們,也希望招募擁有相同願景的優秀人才。加入我們,您將有機會在全球範圍發揮所長,與我們一起透過創新科技,讓世界更有效率


Synology is a global technology leader empowering millions of users—from small businesses to large enterprises. Our products range from advanced storage systems and backup solutions to cutting-edge cloud services. With a steadfast commitment to innovation, we are setting the standard for tomorrow's digital world, ensuring our customers' data is secure, accessible, and maximized to its full potential.

Navigating across multiple markets and effectively presenting Synology is no small feat—it is a complex yet deeply rewarding challenge at the heart of our Corporate Marketing and Communications team. Our mission is to craft strategic and tailored communications that deliver impactful results for the entire brand, spanning many product lines, solutions, and regions.

As a Corporate Marketing Specialist/Manager, you will become the storyteller of Synology. Your role will encompass creating high-level marketing content, the design of impactful marketing programs, and the meticulous implementation of initiatives and strategies across our regional teams. In this role, you're more than a marketer. You'll be Synology's brand ambassador, strategist, and thought leader. 

You will:
- Establish and maintain global media connections
- Work with regional teams to develop and execute global branding campaigns, including securing high-value customer stories
- Provide necessary consultancy to support regional teams in corporate-level communications and on achieving our branding and marketing objectives
- Regularly work with multiple business units to update and build new branding materials
- Work on large-scale surveys to generate actionable insight and usable collateral
- Identify marketing activity and communication bottlenecks and develop solutions, such as implementing better performance metrics, for each regional team


You are expected to have:
- A minimum of 3 years of marketing experience in the technology industry
- Exceptional communication skills, with a strong command of English (spoken and written)
- A detail-oriented and goal-driven mindset, capable of multitasking effectively to deliver results
- A strong teamwork and collaboration mindset, with the ability to work effectively with multiple other teams at once, including those in remote time zones 

We are additionally targeting candidates with:
- Fluency in Mandarin
- Experience or familiarity working with datacenter, data management, video surveillance, IT SaaS solutions, and backup solutions

*Based in New Taipei, Taiwan.



最後一關需要 Onsite






- 三節獎金(中秋、端午、年終)
- 績效獎金
- 留任金

- 彈性上下班時間
- 一年 15 天不扣薪病假
- 婚喪喜慶補助
- 貼心、舒適的哺乳室
- 明亮寬敞的員工休息室
- 免費早餐、下午茶
- 備有當季新鮮水果、零食、飲料與咖啡
- 免費機車位

- 年度健康檢查
- 按摩師每周駐點服務
- 專責護理師推動健康促進
- 不定期健康講座、醫師健康諮詢服務

- 享優惠價格選購公司產品
- 多元的社團活動
- 讀書會與教育訓練
- 不定時舉辦攜眷之員工活動

