Ortus Lab's mission is to ignite a new, responsible and healthy lifestyle by building sustainable businesses that interact with the community around it. As a community and ecosystem, its vision is to be the leading technology enabled lifestyle platform in Taiwan, built by entrepreneurs, guided and mentored by entrepreneurs.
We welcome the best talents from all backgrounds to join us in the creation of an innovation-driven workplace. We provide an environment where quality is encourage over quantity—both in work and life.
Within Ortus Lab, teams have the opportunity to explore entrepreneurship and business ownership under the guidance of our experienced founding team, with a significantly reduced risk profile, while still maintaining strong upsides, all while enjoying the inspirational moments of being part of a dynamic young team. We are dedicated to nurturing entrepreneurs into rising stars of the community.
We’re just getting started. Join Ortus Lab and unlock your dreams!
- 彈性上下班時間
- 優於勞基法休假制度
- 舒適無壓的工作環境,發揮想法不受限
- 順暢溝通管道,只要你發聲我們都會用心傾聽