




Do you believe that everyone should have access to Entertainment and Education?

At Migo (熱鬧點科技), we are creating a movement to change the status quo to enable our consumers in emerging markets to watch entertainment and education videos offline – anytime, anywhere without buffering. We are creating a content distribution network (CDN) by partnering with Wargos which is 100x cheaper to deploy than existing telco infrastructure resulting in ultra-low cost for data. This allows us to bring joy to customers and build an innovative digital gateway through a smartphone to transform the digital lives of 3 billion rising consumers for the modern internet experiences with consumption of data at an affordable price.


Migo 為了讓印尼的大眾消費者在網路資源缺乏的環境下仍能享有數位體驗,透過軟、硬體整合及供應鏈管理,以低於傳統寬頻 1/100 成本的技術為新興市場打造數位平台。 

自 2020 年起,我們在印尼以 10x 的速度拓展 Migo 的服務據點,目前已在印尼人口最多的島嶼 - 爪哇島,擁有約 1,200 個營運據點,可提供逾 1 億印尼大眾消費者以便宜且無需耗費行動數據的方式獲取優質的娛樂與教育內容(如:影集,電影及學生適用的課程等)。 



Why join us?

Simple: We bring joy and transformation not only to Emerging Markets but to you, too.

Being an Imagineer means breaking boundaries by imagining, designing, building, and developing innovation to transform lives. Here in Migo, we aren’t just employees. We are Leaders, Caring, Relentless, Innovators, Always Improving, and we carry this in every action as we work together as one team towards one goal.

We change the world. Our passion for solving problems fuels us to continue challenging social norms and rebalancing accessibility for everyone. We dream big yet execute simply.

We don’t fear failure. Rather, we take those as an opportunity to improve. We move as one borderless team and build ideas together. Your inputs are valued because all of us are innovators: we believe that our endless curiosity while learning from each other builds the next best thing.

We unlock your full potential by being surrounded by a vast diversity of cultures and perspectives. You will be mentored by experts and fellow leaders through knowledge sharing and through fast and straightforward feedback. You will be empowered to grow as an individual and a professional to a whole new level – because as much as you got us, we got you too.

We are Imagineers and together let’s transform the world and you!

Follow us on:
HP: www.migo.io
FB: https://lnkd.in/gtH-u7j
IG: https://lnkd.in/gwwvmTr


公司的創辦人兼執行長,Barrett Comiskey 畢業於美國麻省理工學院(MIT),擁有史丹福(Stanford)商學院的企管碩士(MBA)。2016年Comiskey因發明電子墨水(E-Ink) :驅動亞馬遜的Kindle和市面上其他品牌電子書的核心科技入選美國專利商標局國家發明家名人堂。過去的得主包括2012年入選的賈伯斯以及2015年入選的諾貝爾獎得主中村修二。 Comiskey是至今還在世的百位發明家中最年輕的一位。


Migo is led by Barrett Comiskey, inducted into the U.S. National Inventors Hall of Fame as one of the fathers of E Ink (the technology behind the Amazon Kindle), which he developed as an undergraduate at MIT. He holds an M.B.A. from Stanford University. Barrett is a proven entrepreneur with a track record of success. He has been living in Asia for the last 15 years, and Migo is the culmination of decades of thought and experience.

Since 2009, Barrett has dedicated his efforts to bridging the digital divide for people in developing countries. With Migo, he has imagined, designed, and is building a center for the development of men and women of character, substance, and purpose.





We work hard & play hard! We know how to take care of you by giving you time. Relax and celebrate with your fellow Imagineers during the company-wide happy hours and culture sharing events across the three offices. Relax with your friends and family by using your unlimited annual leaves. Treat your friends to a night out after your biannual compensation and performance reviews.

  • Migo Beer Thirty (aka Happy Hour) :讓你食物吃不完,啤酒多到喝不下! 

  • Migo Culture Time:意想不到的跨辦公室文化體驗(台灣/菲律賓/印尼跨國交流) 

  • Migo m.Lunch:跟 CEO 一起吃午餐,共同探討世界上的各種商業模式! 

  • 無上限休假天數:想休假就休起來,只怕你不休! 

企業網誌 ( 6 )

媒體報導 ( 5 )


