Kronos Research

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Kronos Research is a technology and science-driven trading firm. We risk firm capital, trading a broad range of financial instruments and strategies on global markets. The firm is willing to pursue new ideas and markets with conviction and as such, we have been at the forefront of technology and markets, quickly dominating newer markets such as applying HFT to cryptocurrency trading. Kronos trades on average more than $1 Billion USD / day just in crypto volume alone. Our team has grown quickly from 2 in 2018 to the now 60+ team at our Taipei headquarters and office in Shanghai with more locations on the way.




Together we work on meaningful goals and solve complex problems. Our team is defined by a high-performance culture that values collaboration and meritocracy. We like being challenged and don’t mind putting in the hard work. While the recognition and extremely competitive compensation make it a sweet place to work at, we are united fundamentally by our love and curiosity for innovation in financial markets and technology. The next phase of our company will be about becoming the best place for liquidity and using that position to create positive change. Our ultimate goal is to provide the infrastructure to make investing and trading easier and fairer for people around the world. One day, in any country, people will be able to invest in a Japanese stock, a German hedge fund, or a new cryptocurrency.





# 身為量化交易產業的龍頭,誠信至上是我們的守則
# 員工的好奇心與創造力是企業永續經營的基礎
# 我們勇於接納不同的意見與思維並求不斷進步
# 我們充分溝通與傾聽讓團隊更加緊密與和諧
# 我們追求高效與卓越,在市場保有競爭力


#每月Happy hour-餐酒館PA、做飯PA、帆船PA、棒球PA



