MAKE AI USABLE|Beta Labs aspires to "Make AI Usable" for wide retail adoption and empow...
Beta Labs 誕生於香港的連卡佛載思集團 (The Lane Crawford Joyce Group),我們的客戶皆為零售業中最具代表性品牌,尤其是時尚精品、美妝和生活時尚品牌。
我們通過數據分析、AI 、機器學習(Machine Learning)幫助業務範圍遍及東南亞和大中華地區的零售品牌升級營運能力(例如供應鏈、採購)和個人化顧客體驗(例如個人化商品推薦)。我們致力於開發全新的數據產品,提供亞洲最好的零售業數據解決方案。
連卡佛載思集團是亞洲著名的精品生活時尚集團,在大中華區擁有450多個銷售據點和150萬活躍精品顧客,集團旗下公司被國際公認為零售創新和創造力的標竿。旗下部門有:Lane Crawford, Joyce, Pedder Group, ImagineX, Christian Louboutin, Alexander Wang, Sacai, Brooks Brothers, Canada Goose, Club Monaco, Aveda, Augustinus Bader 等。集團的姊妹公司包括九龍倉集團(海港城,時代廣場,荷李活廣場,IFS)、會德豐(馬可孛羅酒店,房地產公司)和 CitySuper,為亞洲領先的零售集團,業務遍及購物中心、房地產、超市和餐旅。
你將與來自McKinsey、Asia Miles、 Deloitte Digital 、Amazon等的數據人才一起工作,並使用我們Hadoop和Spark上的大數據設施,我們的研究團隊發表了30多篇關於機器學習論文。
Pedder Group 百貨及品牌代理商:
Kenneth Shek
Kenneth Shek Founder & Head, Beta Labs, The Lane Crawford Joyce Group
Kenneth leads data at The Lane Crawford Joyce Group, with data coverage of 400+ point of sales, both digital and physical, in Greater China and Southeast Asia. He leads a team of data scientists, architects, engineers and oversees the application of enterprise analytics and AI in business processes, big data analytics platform infrastructure and architecture, analytics strategy, data governance and security, research and development, and change management.
JACK NG Founder & Co-Head, Beta Labs, The Lane Crawford Joyce Group
Jack co-leads data science team at The Lane Crawford Joyce Group to leverage his extensive knowledge and experience to help the group transform their business with technology and data. Jack is a serial entrepreneur over 10 years background in designing and building successful technology and digital business. Thorough and detailed hands-on knowledge of complete digital project lifecycle – from technology strategy, through research and consultancy, design and specification, to technical delivery and post launch marketing and analysis.
本公司團隊屬於新創公司風格,同時擁有大企業的資金及商業支援,及零售行內的subject matter expert零售專家。
我們希望在台灣建立研究及開發基地,成為亞洲最受零售及品牌商歡迎的 AI SAAS 初創。
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