1. 審核採購訂單並調整商品售價以符合銷售策略
2. 制定採購策略(控管數量/品質)
3. 訓練新人訂單審核
4. 以數據分析能力優化系統流程
5. 以數據分析廠商及其熱銷品之採購策略
6. 具良好英文能力者佳,須以英文書信對內及對外溝通
7. 其他主管交辦事項
1. Review purchase order and adjust prices according to the pricing strategy
2. Set purchasing strategy to control the product inventory and quality
3. Conduct order review training for new hires
4. Optimize the processes by data analytic skills
5. Analyze vendors and their selling strategy
6. Be proficient in English communication
English certification:TOEIC 800 / TOEFL 70 / IELTS 6.5 / No GEPT
1. Need to have English bio & CV
2. Skilled in data analysis
3. Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, etc)
4. Better major in business related