
Guidoor - Professional Network Manager | We're hiring

Guidoor helps you manage connections for business and career success.


About Guidoor

Our first product is a "Professional Network Manager" which helps users manage their connections and achieve business or career success. Our vision is to build a platform where we collaborate with our networks on introductions for mutual business or career success.

Our product is simpler than traditional sales CRMs and more automated than spreadsheets, designed to help you keep track of all the little details that deepen relationships.

💡 Our mid to long-term goal is to "revolutionize LinkedIn with Web3 and AI technology," facilitating better collaboration and career development among professionals.

When it comes to job hunting, recruiting, and seeking clients or partners, we need to remember personal details and seek mutual collaborations, but there hasn’t been a suitable tool for this. Traditional sales CRMs are too complicated, and self-made spreadsheets are too labor-intensive. Guidoor offers an easy-to-use interface with the support of automated software technology, reducing the hassle of managing networks.

We believe "professional network data" is everyone's most important social capital. Starting as a "Professional Network Manager," we plan to integrate Web3 and AI technology in the mid to long term, allowing users to own and exchange their networking data and make more accurate mutual recommendations.

Our vision is to enable an ecosystem of communities where "every professional can pursue their ideal career" by building a professional social platform based on mutual networking support.


What matters the most in Guidoor

💛 User-Centric Mindset

We think from users' perspectives, ensuring that our product development is a continuous process of empathizing with users and innovating solutions. We are dedicated to delivering a delightful product experience, solving their problems, and bringing value to their work or personal lives.

🦾 Embrace Challenges

We seek talents who enjoy learning and surpassing themselves and are brave in proactively confronting challenges. With limited resources, we strive to achieve our goals effectively and innovatively. When faced with challenges, we communicate our circumstances openly and swiftly make adjustments to plan our next steps. Along this journey, we will support each other and grow together.

🎖️ Self-discipline and Autonomy

In our hybrid mode (2 days of in-person work/meetings per week), we require not only effective written and verbal communication but also a high degree of self-discipline, autonomy, and responsibility. With flexible working hours and locations, we trust each other to work independently and accomplish team goals.

💬 Sincere Communication

We encourage open and honest communication among ourselves, while also relying on good expression and communication skills. We are able to clearly identify problems, discuss them together, and are brave in both offering and accepting suggestions. We believe that each piece of feedback is an opportunity for growth and helps make our team stronger.


How do we collaborate and iterate products?

We place strong emphasis on "obtaining continuous and frequent user feedback" and on reacting swiftly to create a product where "experience, technology, and business" are in balance.

Below is our current development and collaboration process, which has evolved from the traditional Sprint/Scrum approach. We will continue to adjust and improve it based on different stages of the product and changes within the team.

Development Cycle

  • We work in 2-week sprints, setting sprint goals and arranging tasks for each cycle.
  • We have weekly sprint review and planning meetings (in person) to review task progress, discuss any challenges, and plan upcoming work.
  • We have stand-up meetings twice a week (online) to ensure team members are aware of each other's progress and any issues they may face.

Exploration and Planning

  • We collect user feedback through continuous user interviews to understand their needs. Based on our goals and available resources, we prioritize exploration and development tasks.
  • Designers and developers are involved in discussions during the exploration stage, providing initial thoughts and feedback.
    • Designers prepare design concepts and drafts.
    • Design proposals are discussed several times, and interactive prototypes may be tested to ensure a proper understanding of user needs.
    • Developers provide technical feedback based on preliminary designs and discuss possible approaches and constraints, in order to propose solutions that align with goals and resources.

Development, Delivery, and Testing

  • Designers are responsible for UI/UX specs based on the finalized design concepts.
  • Backend engineers plan the necessary service architecture based on product design and requirements and develop appropriate APIs
  • Frontend engineers collaborate closely with designers and backend engineers to ensure accurate implementation of the overall product design.
  • Every team member is an internal user; we regularly use the product ourselves to help ensure its quality.

Feedback, Iteration, and Optimization

  • We conduct user testing, allowing participants to interact with the new version of the product and provide feedback.
  • We analyze the test results, considering all feedback, usage data, and business considerations to make decisions on the next iterations or optimizations.
  • User testing results are shared with designers and developers in real-time as momentum to aid in planning and improving features.
  • User testing results are synchronized with Designers and Developers in real time to facilitate future planning or improvement of the product.

Our team is currently lean, and every member will be deeply involved in the entire product process: exploration, development, testing, and iteration. Communication and collaboration among team members are frequent and open. If this description aligns with your expectations for product team collaboration, we welcome you to contact us!


Letter from the Guidoor CEO

Hello there 👋👋🏻👋🏾,
I'm Jason - the CEO and Co-founder of Guidoor. If you're passionate about career development for professional talents, networking for mutual benefit, and have a burning desire to craft products that users love and explore the application of new technologies, we sincerely invite you to read on.

Both of us, the co-founders, planted the seeds of entrepreneurship during our university days. In the first 10 years of our careers, we dived into various startups and tech companies, working in teams ranging from 5 to 5,000 people across 8 different industries. This journey has built up our capability and philosophy in shaping teams, products, and businesses. We've been part of early-stage companies and taken roller coaster rides of teams, personally going through or witnessing five major layoffs and team shuffles.

Living in a fast-paced environment, we've encountered firsthand the challenges of career development in this new era. Through mutual support in our networks, we've received tremendous help and enjoy aiding others. These experiences have led us to our entrepreneurial vision: to create a platform for professional networking to help each other, fostering an ecosystem of communities where "every professional can pursue their ideal career."

Both of us come from engineering backgrounds and have gained knowledge in product, design, and business throughout our careers. Together, we have gone through 4 product launch failures, spending significant time on developments that failed to resonate with users and the market. Because of these experiences, we emphasize "getting early user feedback" and "creating products that seamlessly integrate user experience, technology, and business." For example, in the first year of our startup, we intentionally didn’t write a single line of code but conducted over a hundred user interviews and tests instead.

Does this spark your curiosity or excitement? We invite you to keep reading. Perhaps we can become great partners, building a team and a business that realizes our shared vision.

Guidoor Cofounders, 010 & Jason ✍️


010, CTO (LinkedIn)

Jason, CEO (LinkedIn)






  • Work in a remote-first, highly flexible environment and cross-border collaboration
  • Belong to an early-stage startup with close collaboration and free of politics
  • Engage with users closely and participate in team/product growth
  • Join regular team-building activities and lunches/dinners


