在多變的網絡世界裡,唯一不變的是在資訊兩端的人(原創者與閱聽者)。 為了解決原創者創意被淹沒在浩瀚資訊中、以及在社群媒體獲利不平衡的現況,escapex 致力於打造全新的社...
為了解決原創者創意被淹沒在浩瀚資訊中、以及在社群媒體獲利不平衡的現況,escapex 致力於打造全新的社群媒體互動平台,讓原創者與閱聽者有更多直接被關注及發展創意的空間。
在 escapex 的我們,致力於打造一條屬於藝人和粉絲之間的專屬橋樑,我們和全球一線的大咖藝人合作(如:拉丁歌王馬克安東尼和復仇者聯盟鷹眼傑瑞米瑞納等) 。 您所加入的團隊將會傾力打造一個在全世界各地,由數百萬人和頂級藝人一起使用的產品,
In the ever changing world of social media, the only constant are the people at the end of the channel.
We are profoundly passionate about creators, and putting them front and center has been our driving force from day one. So we’ve set out to build a different model: to reimagine social media where control is in the hands of creators, not platforms. Where those driving engagement are compensated, not the networks they use. Where communication is direct, no intermediaries.
Join our team of intelligent individuals, passionate about the potential of social monetization technology and dedicated to improving the social experience for creators.
escapex 平台的使命是打破現有社群網絡的框架,提供原創者在社群媒體上分享創作、更容易被看到的同時,得到合理報酬的解決方案。
* 週休二日
* 每年固定14個月薪資
* 到職第一年即享有7天特休假(依到職比例給假),到職滿一年即享10天特休假,病假10天內不扣薪,第11~30天給薪50% (優於勞基法規定)。
* 加值福利:團體保險、健康檢查、員工旅遊、公司聚餐
* We are a fun energetic tight knit team with a passion for music, social media and technology
* In office/external happy hours
* Stock option scheme (for managers)
* Activities of Employee Welfare Committee
* Wedding / Childbirth / Funeral Subsidy