Ally Transport 艾立運能

Simplify the movement of goods.




艾立運能成立於 2018 年,是一家科技賦能的物流運輸服務提供商,提供 B2B 貨運服務及軟硬體整合物流解決方案。主要服務涵蓋第一哩路和中間哩路貨物運輸,客戶包括零食及冷鏈食品製造商、大型日用品牌、連鎖通路、家電、高單價酒類等。


艾立運能擁有由物流業資深營運、新創互聯網及外商科技背景成員所組成的混血團隊,在豐富的物流執行經驗基礎上,運用系統開發、軟硬體整合、AI應用、數據分析能力,提供通路統倉共配、倉運整合流程再造,以及冷鏈低碳綠色運輸等創新服務,協助客戶邁向數位化與淨零轉型,並提升物流靈活度和效率。於 2022 年完成 A 輪募資,投資人包括聯訊創投、新光三越、中興巴士集團旗下指南客運與淡水客運。


About Ally Transport

Founded in 2018, Ally Transport is a technology-driven logistics provider offering B2B transportation services and integrated solutions. We specialize in first-mile and middle-mile transportation for clients in various industries, including snack manufacturers, cold chain food manufacturers, household brands, retail chains, appliances, and premium wine.


Our diverse team combines experienced logistics experts with members in startups and international tech companies, providing innovative services such as retail consolidation, sustainable transportation, and logistics process reengineering to assist clients in digitalization and carbon reduction while enhancing logistics efficiency.  In 2022, we secured Series A funding from Harbinger Venture Capital, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, and Zhongxing Bus Group subsidiaries, reinforcing our commitment to innovation and sustainability.


Dare to Change 

We think outside the box and write new chapters to change the norm. We are bold enough to stop wondering “what if I could...” and start living “what I would do differently…”. We feel empowered to make decisions and take action. Although there are times when we are unsure about the next step to take, we start with what we know and create the path one step at a time, building confidence and momentum. Our team is here to be the toughest critics, the biggest challenges, and the loudest supporters. It’s in our differences that we will find the power to keep simplifying the movement of goods and revolutionizing the way the world moves. 





1. Compensation

‣ Performance-based bonus

‣ Subsidy: wedding, maternity, funeral

‣ Allowances: mileage, missed meal

2. Health Insurance
‣ Group insurance

‣ Accident insurance


3. Attendance

‣ 5-days paid annual leave after 3 months on the job

‣ Paid sick leave

‣ Flexiable attendance


4. Employee Development Program

‣ Internal training sessions

‣ External training subsidy


5. Fun activities

‣ Free lunch & snacks

‣ Team building activities


6. Working Environment

‣ Spacious workplaces with award-winning interior design


7. International Exposure

‣ Expanding business in Southeast-Asia

‣ MNC clients and strategic partners


