UNIVERSE by ViewSonic: A Metaverse Built for Education
ViewSonic Education offers a comprehensive ecosystem of education solutions adopted by millions around the world.
Through our continuous commitment to innovation in EdTech, and to support educators in overcoming challenges faced within different learning environments, we have created UNIVERSE - an immersive digital learning platform designed to enhance out-of-classroom learning experiences.
We are looking for talent like you to help create the next best education solution that will impact the learning experiences of teachers and students around the world. If you are excited of to work in a dynamic environment, we would love to hear from you!
- Ability to work with Designer, Product manager, and Developers.
- Enjoy exploring new solutions to difficult problems.
- Have passion for creating new products and sensitivity to the user experience.
- Working closely with web designers and programmers to produce the website. Creating websites/a website using standard React.js or Vue.js practices. Maintaining and expanding/enhancing the website once built.
- Proficiency in the use of React.js or Vue.js.
- Experience with server-side frameworks such as node.js, kotlin, python
- Experience with cloud database systems such as AWS, Azure or GCP.
- Familiar with Git.
- Good Communication skills.
ViewSonic規劃符合組織與個人發展之學習方案,讓同仁充分發揮潛能與專業志趣。開放式的組織環境以及自由愉快的工作氣氛,帶領每一位員工盡情揮灑熱情並尋找到屬於自己的絕佳舞台。 具競爭力之薪資制度 公司提供具市場競爭力的薪資制度,並不吝與同仁分享營運上的績優表現。
■ 具競爭力之薪資制度 公司提供具市場競爭力的薪資制度,並不吝與同仁分享營運上的績優表現。
■ 彈性的假勤制度:
-一年7天有薪年假 -5天全薪病假
■ 福委會活動:
■ 多元化的社團活動 瑜珈社、登山社、籃球社、羽球社、桌球社,還有更多的社團等你來發掘或組建。
■ 舒適的工作環境 寬敞明亮且具有設計感的工作環境,可使用一個以上的電腦螢幕,實現螢幕自由。
■ 員工健身房: 為您省去健身房月費,公司樓下就有健身房。重訓、有氧、舒緩等器材應有盡有。
■ 教訓訓練: 語言學習補助、證照補助、領導階程訓練課程等,不定期舉辦學習講座讓你也可以接收產業新知。
■ 獨創的藝文陶冶環境: 除了掛滿名家畫作的辦公環境外,不定期舉辦主題性知名畫家之畫作展覽,培養同仁的藝文氣息與美學觀念,鼓勵從藝術氛圍中激發創意。
■ 優惠的員購機會: 本公司各項產品均可洽詢員購優惠價格。