雲端資安工程師 Cloud Security Engineer

最近更新於 2021-11-22


• Manage and oversee the Information Security Program.

• Analyze security controls and reporting on cloud implementations.

• Analyze current security posture and investigate potential areas of compromise that would bypass existing controls. Provide effective recommendations to reduce risk where applicable.

• Act as security point of contact in relations, with the ability to represent and communicate Security directives.

• Document work performed for all reviews, audits and assessments.

• Maintain familiarity with performing and presenting quantitative and qualitative risk analysis.

• Assist in ensuring all compliance programs (access review, entitlement review, code reviews, and security tests) are being maintained according to their set schedules.

• Establish automation processes for repeatable tasks to reduce work effort required for governance related tasks.

• Effectively communicate and escalate Security related risks and vulnerabilities based on application, or environment. Support Incident Response activities during security events or incidents.

• Support the commitment to protect customers’ integrity and confidentiality of systems and data.

• Serve as the primary resource for Security monitoring, identifying or obtaining response to issues and optimization. Perform activities such as setting baselines for monitoring alerts, reducing 'noise' from excessive monitoring notifications and creating actionable alerts and reports.

• Perform internal and vendor risk assessments on applications, services, tools, and cloud infrastructures across projects.

• Assist in the testing and development of Incident response tabletop and functional exercises.


• Strong understanding of AWS/Azure and applicable hardening and security capabilities.
• Strong familiarity with Linux and Windows operating systems and cloud provider ecosystems like Amazon AWS, GCP
• Practical knowledge of Cloud foundation services related to compute, network, storage, content delivery, administration and security, deployment and management, automation technologies
• Robust micro services programming (AWS Lambda, Docker, etc.)
• Extensive experience architecting, designing, and programming applications and ample experience in high level programming languages such as Go, Java, Python, PHP,Javascript.
• Capability architecting highly available systems that utilize load balancing, horizontal scalability and high availability
• DevOps know-how building and deploying infrastructure with cloud deployment, build and test automation technologies like ansible, chef, puppet, docker, jenkins, etc.
• Understanding of complex enterprise environments and current technology areas like cloud and mobility
• Certification: It is important that applicants for the cloud security engineer position have CISSP or equivalent security-related industry certifications and AWS Associate or higher Certification
• Communication skills: In executing their duties, cloud security engineers must communicate with various audiences, including business leaders, engineers, clients, and team members. It is important that they have great verbal communication skills to convey information to the relevant audience. They also require exceptional written communication skills, documentation and reporting
• Teamwork abilities: The Cloud Security Engineer is expected to work with various multi-disciplinary teams, so it is vital that they are team-oriented individuals with priority on the successful completion of group goals

The certifications most favored for cloud security are those focused on network architecture and administration, including:
• Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
• Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)
• Information Systems Security Architecture Professional (ISSAP)
• Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)





ViewSonic規劃符合組織與個人發展之學習方案,讓同仁充分發揮潛能與專業志趣。開放式的組織環境以及自由愉快的工作氣氛,帶領每一位員工盡情揮灑熱情並尋找到屬於自己的絕佳舞台。 具競爭力之薪資制度 公司提供具市場競爭力的薪資制度,並不吝與同仁分享營運上的績優表現。



■ 保障薪資14個月

■ 與獲利連結之員工分紅 優於勞基法之福利措施

■ 完善的保險計畫: 依法為每位員工投保勞工保險、全民健康保險及每月定期提繳退休金外,員工享有團體綜合保險保障,包括壽險、意外險、醫療險、癌症險等。員工並可自費為眷屬加保,享受優於業界之保障內容與額度。

■ 彈性的假勤制度: 給予一年7天有薪年假加上5天全薪病假。

■ 周詳的員工保健方案: 重視同仁的身心健康,定期辦理員工健康檢查方案,幫助同仁掌握健康狀況。 重視工作環境與生活品質之間的平衡。明亮優雅的辦公空間及全天候的咖啡供應,讓員工在工作同時也能享受生活。

■ 優惠的員購機會: 本公司各項產品均可洽詢員購優惠價格。

■ 豐富的福委會活動: 規劃年度員工旅遊、系列講座、社團活動 (瑜珈社、登山社、籃球社、羽球社、桌球社)、婚喪補助、年節獎金、年度buffet聚餐、特約商店等活動,增進同仁間情感交流。

■ 獨創的藝文陶冶環境: 除了掛滿名家畫作的辦公環境外,不定期舉辦主題性知名畫家之畫作展覽,培養同仁的藝文氣息與美學觀念,鼓勵從藝術氛圍中激發創意。

■ 員工健身房: 全新完工的舒適健身房,提供員工多樣化的運動選擇,讓員工可以達到健康生活、快樂工作的目標。


NT$ 70,000 - (月薪)