行銷總監 Digital Marketing Director

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VesCir是一家專注於美妝行業數位轉型的創新企業。我們開發的dermaGPT專為解決全球數百萬份美妝產品需要遵循的新安全法規報告(PIF, MoCRA)挑戰而設計,透過AI快速生成超精準的法規報告。我們正在尋找一位數位行銷專家,專注於提升我們在美國和歐洲市場的發展。

  • SEO策略制定與執行 (SEO Strategy Development and Execution):

    • 開發並實施針對PIF和MoCRA相關內容的SEO策略,確保我們的網站在搜索引擎結果頁(SERP)中排名首位。
      Develop and implement SEO strategies focused on PIF and MoCRA-related content to ensure our website ranks at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).
    • 進行關鍵詞研究,識別高價值的關鍵詞並優化網頁內容。
      Conduct keyword research to identify high-value keywords and optimize web content accordingly.
  • 網站優化 (Website Optimization:)

    • 執行全面的網站優化,以提升網站的速度、可用性和SEO效能。
      Execute comprehensive website optimizations to improve site speed, usability, and SEO performance.
    • 確保網站符合最新的SEO最佳實踐,並持續進行技術SEO優化(如:結構化數據、頁面速度、移動端優化等)。
      Ensure the website adheres to the latest SEO best practices and continuously perform technical SEO enhancements (e.g., structured data, page speed, mobile optimization).
  • 內容策略與管理 (Content Strategy and Management:):

    • 與內容團隊合作,開發並管理高質量、相關性強的內容,吸引並轉化目標受眾。
      Collaborate with the content team to develop and manage high-quality, relevant content that attracts and converts target audiences.
    • 確保所有內容與SEO策略一致,並符合目標市場(美國和歐洲)的文化和法律要求。
      Ensure all content aligns with SEO strategies and complies with the cultural and legal requirements of the target markets (U.S. and Europe).
  • 數據分析與報告 (Data Analysis and Reporting)

    • 使用Google Analytics等工具,定期分析網站流量、轉化率和SEO效能,並基於數據制定改進策略。
      Utilize tools like Google Analytics to regularly analyze website traffic, conversion rates, and SEO performance, making data-driven improvements.
    • 提供定期報告,展示SEO和網站優化的成果,並提出進一步優化建議。
      Provide regular reports showcasing the results of SEO and website optimization efforts, and offer further recommendations for optimization.
  • 市場趨勢與競爭分析 (Market Trends and Competitive Analysis):

    • 持續監控和分析市場趨勢和競爭對手策略,調整SEO和網頁優化方案,以保持競爭優勢。
      Continuously monitor and analyze market trends and competitor strategies, adjusting SEO and website optimization plans to maintain a competitive edge.


  • 至少5年以上數位行銷經驗,專注於SEO和網站優化。
    At least 5 years of experience in digital marketing, with a focus on SEO and website optimization.
  • 深入了解Google、Bing等搜索引擎的排名算法和最佳實踐。
    In-depth understanding of Google, Bing, and other search engine ranking algorithms and best practices.
  • 具有優化大型網站的經驗,尤其是針對美國和歐洲市場的多語言、多地區SEO。
    Experience optimizing large websites, particularly for multilingual and multi-regional SEO targeting the U.S. and European markets.
  • 精通Google Analytics、Google Search Console、SEMrush、Ahrefs等SEO工具。
    Proficiency in SEO tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEMrush, and Ahrefs.
  • 優秀的分析能力和數據驅動的決策能力。
    Strong analytical skills and the ability to make data-driven decisions.
  • 具備良好的溝通能力,能與技術和內容團隊緊密合作。
    Excellent communication skills, with the ability to work closely with technical and content teams.


  • 具有軟體產業的數位行銷經驗,特別是在SEO和網站優化方面。
    Experience in digital marketing within the software industry, particularly in SEO and website optimization.
  • 熟悉SaaS(軟體即服務)產品的市場推廣和銷售策略。
    Familiarity with SaaS (Software as a Service) product marketing and sales strategies.
  • 有針對技術性產品進行SEO優化的成功案例。
    Proven track record of successfully optimizing SEO for technical products.
  • 了解美國和歐洲市場的法律合規要求,尤其是在數位行銷領域。
    Knowledge of legal and compliance requirements in the U.S. and European markets, especially in digital marketing.
  • 具備多語言SEO策略開發和實施的經驗。
    Experience in developing and implementing multilingual SEO strategies.





  • ​​​​​Apple Mac laptops provided for office work
  • DELL 34-inch curved monitors provided for office work

  • Marriage, funeral, illness, and maternity subsidies; holiday bonuses

  • Monthly team lunches or gatherings

  • Flexible working hours

  • Regular monthly team lunches

  • Menstrual leave for female employees


NT$ 42,000 - 75,000 (月薪)