uppeta | Measurable
Creativity uppeta 成立於 2017 年,是一間成長快速的行銷科技(MarTech)顧問公司。我們組織一流顧客體驗(CX)管理師、設計師、工程師、商業數據分析師等專業人士,提供企業及品牌傑出的行銷和溝通解決方案(MarCom solutions)。超越一般廣告 / 活動代理商所能做到的,我們透過高層次的宏觀視野,以全方位的一站式服務滿足合作對象對於行銷活動的各式需求。從數位行銷策略規劃、數據分析、視覺 / 動態影像設計到活動執行與流程優化,我們不單「憑感覺」給予方案,而是致力以數據導向的思維策略解決種種行銷難題,以期實現 uppeta 的理想「Measurable Creativity」。 我們的主要客戶為各大企業與品牌,合作過的對象包含 Google, YouTube, ASML, Taboola 等知名外商公司。從大型峰會到中小型研討會,無論是以線上、線下或混合模式舉辦,uppeta 力求以豐富創意及紮實經驗為基礎提供顧問服務、為合作夥伴打造最完善的行銷活動,並讓活動參與者獲得絕佳的顧客體驗。 uppeta 的工作氛圍在專業中保有彈性與自由。我們尤其鼓勵平權及自主,希望未來和我們一起合作的你是積極主動、反應靈敏且擅長溝通交流的人才。我們更期待你能夠享受在快節奏的工作步調中發現並解決問題的過程。若你剛好學習動機強烈,且不畏嘗試以創新方式推導解決方案,現在、立刻、馬上聯繫我們吧!
Founded in 2017, uppeta is a rapidly expanding marketing technology (MarTech) consulting company that invests in the best available talent, such as customer experience (CX) managers, designers, engineers, and data analysts. We offer corporates and brands a comprehensive range of marketing and communication solutions that go beyond what traditional advertising agencies can provide. Our services span from strategic digital marketing planning, data analysis, and graphic / motion design, to event operations and process optimization. We do not come up with solutions with merely our gut but utilize data-oriented strategic thinking to bring our tagline “Measurable Creativity” to life. Our clients are mainly corporates and brands, and we have collaborated with renowned multinational companies such as Google, YouTube, ASML, and Taboola. Based on our copious ideas and solid experience, we have delivered top-tier consulting services for small and large events, both online, in-person, and hybrid, with a focus on creating the most effective marketing events and the best customer experience. At uppeta, you will thrive in a professional environment that allows freedom and flexibility while fostering equity and employee autonomy, as we believe collaboration and communication are the keys to success. We are looking for individuals who are proactive, responsive, and able to communicate well. We hope you enjoy identifying and solving problems in a fast-paced working environment and, we value team members who are motivated to learn and are not afraid to come up with innovative solutions. If this sounds like you, JOIN US TODAY and experience the full potential of MarTech with uppeta!
Achieving Your Goal Efficiently;Where Innovative Solutions Happen
uppeta 致力於與理念相符的品牌客戶共同參與世界的改變,並以最有效率的方法切入核心解決每一個挑戰。
科技日新月異的時代,我們並不害怕被數位化取代;反之,人應該要將其潛能發揮在更高層次的「創造」。每一個社會都由個人組成,uppeta 的組織模式很新穎,然而我們勇於嘗試,並踏實將每一步走得穩固。如此一來,不只對客戶、對產業,對社會都有實質正面而長遠的影響。
我們知道你重視福利制度,uppeta 也同樣重視員工的 Work-Life balance 及成長!
◎ 你的妥善休息|掌握最自在的工作步調,呈現最佳的成果!
・彈性工時 ・無需補班
・特休假期(滿一年即享 14 天年假)
◎ 你的健康狀況|健康第一,不要勉強抱病工作!
◎ 你的貢獻回饋|你的努力一定會被看見!
◎ 你的成長發展|我們渴求不斷精進自我的人才,在學習的路上我們也助你一臂之力!
・課程資源 ・業師講座
◎ 你的辦公環境|優良的辦公環境及工具讓你安心工作、事半功倍!
・地點方便(捷運台北小巨蛋站步行 2 分鐘,周遭生活機能優良)
・專業設備(員工標配 MacBook、外接大螢幕、電動升降桌、高級人體工學椅)
◎ 你的休閒娛樂|在 uppeta 的工作不是冷冰死板的朝九晚五!
・團隊旅遊(年度 Off-site、每季 Team Building 等)
・零食小點(DeLonghi 咖啡機及零食櫃)
◎ 其他|其他公司有我們卻沒有?歡迎你提出!
相信我們,你在 uppeta 能夠達成的進步與成就一定會比上述福利項目更吸引你 :)