蔬特羅 TrueTerral


Don’t try to be the "next". Instead, try to be the other, the changer, the new.



Company Introduction 公司介紹







Ture Terral was funded in 2018 with one mission in mind: To build allergy-free and healthier communities by promoting good nutrition and physical activity. We believe that a healthy lifestyle is the source of a productive and happy society. We support this belief by educating our community with the latest breakthroughs in allergy-free knowledge. Your nutrition choices affect your health each day. How you feel today, tomorrow, and in the future comes down to what you eat and how you are using that energy. Therefore, we work to give people access to knowledge and nutritional products to support their healthy lifestyles. When there is no allergy, you live happier and healthier.

公司成員 ( 1 / 7 )








Jack CEO


Sylvia COO


Via Project Assistance

Project Assistance

Xin-Wen Video Creator

Video Creator

Sam Graphic Designer

Graphic Design

蔓蔓 Video Creator

Video Creator

Dave Content Creator

Content Creator

















“Salute, mi Familia”
The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room. Right here, right now. Salute, mi familia. -- Dominic Toretto, Fast & Furious 5.

I couldn’t say it better than Toretto. The moment you step in this room, you become part of “La Familia”.

We look for quality, and not quantity, we are looking for individuals who share the following values:

  1. Motivated to Grow & Learn
    Learning shouldn’t stop after you get your “diploma”. Learning should be a daily habit. Learn a new skill, learn music, learn a new language, learn a new sport, learn how to be a better person, but learn something. The moment you stop learning, you are just dying. In an ever-changing workplace, keep your interests in keeping up with new developments and knowledge in the field.
  2. Understanding the importance of “Greeting”
    Greetings are vital to make that first good impression and establish good relationships. It helps you set a positive tone for any conversation. You always make a good impression by saying “Good Morning” or “How are you?”. Greetings not only help you maintain a good social image but also helps you in your professional life.
  3. 2+2 will never be 5
    Doing the same thing over and over again will never yield a different result, yet we find people who seem determined that two plus two will eventually equal five. The fact is simple, if you want different results, you need to do something different. Stop repeating the same mistakes all over again.
  4. Adaptability
    You already live in a world that is in constant change. In fact, you are in constant change. You might haven't noticed it, but you are constantly adapting yourself to your new environment. Your tasks, your responsibilities, and your work will also change and you need to adapt fast. Embrace this change.
  5. Honesty and Integrity
    Good relationships are built on trust. Bring your karma points up by showing that we can trust in what you say and in what you do.
  6. Strong Self-Confidence
    A self-confident person is someone who inspires others. A self-confident person is not afraid to ask questions on topics where they feel they need more knowledge. This foster a great communication environment. The self-confident person does what he/she feels is right and is willing to take risks. Self- confident people can also admit their mistakes. They recognize their strengths as well as their weaknesses and are willing to work on the latter. Self-confident people have faith in themselves and their abilities which is manifested in their positive attitude and outlook on life.
  7. Possessing a Positive Attitude
    A positive attitude gets the work done and motivates others to do the same without dwelling on the challenges that inevitably come up in any job. You are a game-changer when you share that positive energy with all your team members and become a role model for others.
  8. Responsibility
    Take responsibility of your actions. You are part of a team and your actions affect everyone. Being responsible shows how much you value your job and that you are willing to keep up with your tasks and communicate the things that matter to your teammates.



共同創辦人之一Sylvia 曾有一段時間每天受腸胃脹氣之苦,脹氣的程度嚴重影響到工作專注度以及日常生活。即使於大醫院做了無數的身體檢查,仍查無病因,醫生姑且只能判定是工作壓力帶來的腸躁症狀。

求醫無果後,Sylvia 開始從飲食著手,更注意自己每日的飲食挑選,無意間閱讀到一篇關於90%的亞洲人有乳糖不耐的相關報導,突然意識到自己每天早上都喝一杯鮮奶茶裡就是乳製品,猜想會不會是乳製品裡的乳糖引起了身體的過敏反應,因此開始戒掉了所有乳製品。

戒掉乳製品的當週,Sylvia 注意到腸胃脹氣的問題就減緩了許多。幾週後,她的腸胃脹氣居然不藥而癒,這讓她更意識到每天攝取的食物對身體、心靈的深遠影響。過敏原、生活毒素都是積年累月的堆積,直到身體耐受度超過可承受值後,就會開始以各種不適症狀對身體提出警訊。若忽視這些身體警訊,將對健康產生威脅。










  1. 個人成長教育補助金。時時刻刻都要學習與成長。
    Self-education scholarship. Always learning and improving.
  2. 團隊活動 - 每月舉辦增進團隊連結的活動
    Monthly Social Friday 
  3. 不可缺少的年終獎金。
    End year bonus
  4. 福利基本款不會少的三節禮金。
    3 Special Bonuses
  5. 推薦優秀人才獎金。
    Talent Recommendation Rewards
  6. 基本的勞保、健保、退休金提撥。
    Employee National Insurance and pension.
  7. 員工購物優惠!享折扣,大大滿足
    Employee discount for our products in store.
  8. 沒有任何官僚文化,每一位員工的聲音都一樣重要。扁平的組織,彼此可以輕鬆談話。
    No Bureaucracy. Flat organization with open communication.
  9. 全新又明亮的風水寶地,自然光從大片落地窗照進辦公室,神清氣爽好氣氛。
    New and Bright Feng Shui Style Office. Huge windows and plenty of natural light. Good Energy and Good Vibes.
  10. 開放式的辦公空間,有超大桌子的舒服的椅子。精心設計的桌子把所有惱人的電線藏起來,雙腳再也不會跟電線打架。
    Open style environment with huges tables and comfortable chairs. Tables were specially designed to hide all cables. No more cables running through your feet.
  11. 每年不定期辦各種活動,像是玩VR、聖誕火雞大餐、交換禮物。
    Multiple company activities throughout the year. For example, annual Christmas Dinner party with gift exchange activity.
  12. 中英文交流環境,想讓英文進步?這裡可以幫你一把。
    English and Chinese speaking environment.


