Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS) is Taiwan’s leading ecosystem builder aiming to cultivate ...
Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS) is Taiwan’s leading ecosystem builder aiming to cultivate global-minded entrepreneurs and showcase the most innovative Taiwanese startups to the world. Founded in 2015, TSS has already served 150+ startups with 100+ mentor, 500+ investors & 30+ corporations including Google, KPMG and the like. In addition to a broad network of ecosystem players, we also provide solid coaching programs through extensive bootcamps, workshops & seminars to empower entrepreneurs to grow and succeed in their startup journey.
2015年至今,旗下”Starting Lineup X” 會員社群已凝聚超過150家台灣新創,跨領域業師(Mentor)陣容近100位與超過30家企業夥伴,免費提供國際會展、商務夥伴、科技企業鏈結、投資人媒合等夥伴資源;並透過結合國際頂尖專家陣容,籌辦新創募資訓練營(Term Sheet Bootcamp)、國際參展行前訓練、以及一對一業師諮詢等計畫,協助新創進軍國際市場,打造亞洲地區互助互利的創業生態圈。
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