【Game changer, armed with data.】
You know all about our users, through data analysis. And because you do, you can identify issues and present insights to our Product Owners, spurring them into action. Working with your team, you play a key role in enhancing our business value. After all, you're the one who ignited the spark. And no spark, no fire.
【What a Data Scientist does in Titansoft】
.Apply statistical, ML/DL and generative AI techniques to build functions for user classification, fraud detection, sentiment analysis and other objectives.
.Conduct data analysis to support Product Owner and Business Leaders in business decisions and requirements.
.Develop and automate reports for analytical purposes.
.Collaborate with other Product Development teams to understand their business needs, formulate and complete end-to-end analysis that includes data gathering, analysis, ongoing scaled deliverables and presentations.
【What we are looking for in a Data Scientist】
1. Skills:
.Programming proficiency in Python (Scikit-learn, PyTorch), SQL (MsSql, BigQuery, MongoDB)
.Mathematics proficiency in statistics methodology, ML/DL algorithms, or generative AI theory
.Domain experience in CRM (GA, recommendation systems, LTV) or ChatBot (RAG, LLM) or anomaly detection will be preferred
.A/B and Multivariate testing management
.Data visualization skills (such as Tableau, Excel, etc)
.Ability to translate analysis results into business recommendations and insights
.Strong written, verbal communication and presentation skills for coordinating across teams and with stakeholders or non-technical audiences
.Strong problem solving skills
2. Experience:
.Have CRM (GA, recommendation system, LTV) or ChatBot (RAG, LLM) or anomaly detection relevant experience will be plus.
.Experience in analytic projects.
.Knowledge and experience in A/B testing and multivariate testing management.
.Experience in applying practical applications on production will be a plus.
【What makes a (Super!) Data Scientist in Titansoft AKA the "great to haves"】
.Deep interest and aptitude in data, metrics, analysis and trends, and applied knowledge of measurement, statistics and program evaluation
在鈦坦「人」是最寶貴的資產,我們重視員工的培訓和職涯發展計畫。 【身心靈健康都顧到】 「1天」生日假,當月壽星獨享尊榮! 「2天」公益假,讓你心有餘而假也足,取之社會回饋社會~ 「8天」全薪病假,別抱病來上班,你累我更怕! 「12天」年假,不⽤等半年⼀年,試⽤期過就按比例給。 「14個月」年薪等你拿,時間一到一定有,三節現金帳戶見。 「吃飽喝足」Pantry 零食吃到飽,想吃什麼每個月自己許願。 「上班喝酒」試過嗎?整個酒吧都是你的放鬆台(當然也有無酒精飲料啦) 「活絡筋骨」不可缺,長時間使⽤電腦痠痛嗎?有專⼈為你按摩放鬆。 「睡飽再上班」聽過嗎?彈性⼯時上班時間團隊⾃⼰定! 「員工協助方案」照顧你的大小事!工作生活沒煩惱! 【安全舒適不可缺】 「健康檢查」肯定要,因為⼈是鈦坦最重要的資產。 「運動津貼」不可少,⼀起努⼒讓紅字不再跟著你,鈦坦人動起來! 「勞保健保」不會缺,連帶團保意外險醫療險通通加起來。 「電信購機」也涵蓋,千萬別讓⼯具耽誤效率。 「工作筆電」只能公司配?在鈦坦讓你自己選喜歡的! 「敏捷辦公室」開放空間寬敞舒適,要飛輪要桌遊要Switch樣樣有。 「⼈體⼯學椅」每個⼯程師背後,都有⼀條脊椎XD,我們細心守護! 【歸屬在這一定有】 「活動」不能少,尾牙、運動會、慶⽣迎新會、Team Building 通通辦起來! 「社團」⾃由創,⽬前有電競社、桌遊社等等,等你來加入~ 「旅遊」出國去,曾去過美國、⽇本、泰國、印尼、柬埔寨、越南! 「家庭」我們⼀起幫你顧,⽣育、婚喪禮⾦都補助。 【相互尊重自組織】 「績效獎⾦」視當年度營運及團隊績效⽽定,你的努⼒我們看得⾒。 「介紹獎⾦」視被介紹者職級⽽定,⼀個⼈兩萬五起跳。 【超越⾃我在鈦坦】 「鈦坦學院」內外教育訓練、自發申請外訓,不怕你去學,只怕多到你不想學。 「各式書籍」任你看,心理學、管理學、技術、漫畫應有盡有,小朋友才做選擇!