Swingvy is a rapidly growing HR SaaS startup targeting mid to small size enterprises, with a disruptive all-in-one offering that automates HR, claims, payroll and benefits. We are backed by Samsung Ventures and have over 9,000 customers across the region. Swingvy aims to replace paperwork or spreadsheets and help customers to manage all their HR in one place.
Jin Choeh
Dalton Hsu
Jin Choeh Founder|CEO
Serial entrepreneur; Ex-sniper of Korean Special; Forces Certified singer; Marathon runner and iron man; Dream is to go to Mars
Dalton Hsu General Manager|Taiwan
Finance veteran turned semi-entrepreneur; Co-Founder, BD, HR, CS @ FunNow; Aspiring screenplay writer; Very funny; Dream is to own a basketball team
People matter.
We. Not me. 是「我們」,不是「我」
Samsung Ventures’ first investment in Southeast Asia is HR startup Swingvy
遠距工作也適用的人資軟體?跨國新創 Swingvy 用 App 使請假、領薪更輕鬆
疫情下的HR對策 老闆一定要知道的事!