Better sleep, better life.

美國 其他 9215 151st Ave, NE Redmond, WA, 98052, USA



2009年創立於美國西雅圖,Respshop致力於提供睡眠呼吸中止症患者最適合的呼吸器及面罩等器材。Respshop在北美洲呼吸器市場有市占率前五名的佳績,雖深耕於北美市場,我們提供服務的顧客遍部全球。官網上代理的廠牌跨足荷蘭飛利浦、美國ResMed、紐西蘭Fisher & Paykel等跨國企業。

不單只是銷售醫療器材 - 我們擁有具高度專業知識的醫療團隊,成員包含呼吸治療師、護理師、多導睡眠圖技師等,能夠即時的幫助顧客及病人找到最適合他們的醫療器材,提高病人生活品質。我們也擁有高效率運作的物流團隊,以確保顧客能在第一時間得到醫療支援。

Founded in 2009, RespShop provides an expansive selection of high-quality CPAP machines, masks, humidifiers and more for home and clinical use. We′re on hand not only to help patients find the appropriate supplies for helping them deal with sleep apnea and other conditions, but also for providing them with the knowledge and resources they need to make the best possible treatment decisions for their lifestyle, budget and personal needs. RespShop also offers unbeatable, personalized customer service and fast shipping.

We are proud to offer a large variety of CPAP masks and machines by medical equipment leaders that focus on quality, durability and innovation. You′ll find machines and supplies by Philips Respironics, ResMed, Fisher & Paykel and more. These products are designed to provide the most effective and comfortable treatment while supporting those with an active lifestyle. We also carry portable and lightweight oxygen concentrator systems and stationary oxygen systems for the home in addition to supplies such as oximeters for CPAP machines, oxygen carts and carrying bags.

The RespShop team is staffed by experts that are experienced with sleep apnea and CPAP devices. You will find we have the best professional team available anywhere to help the customer purchase the proper products for their needs. We understand how overwhelming it can be for the customers to make these important decisions about their own health. It is especially important to make sure they are getting the correct CPAP device, oxygen concentrator or device parts to ensure their quality of life is as high as possible. Our medical team consists of Registered Respiratory Therapist, Registered,  Certified Polysomnographic Technicians and a Licensed Practical Nurse who are all here to answer the patients' questions for free. Our Customer Service Team consists of Certified Sleep Science Coaches and are well trained as well. Patients will get knowledgeable staff that are always learning and updating their skills to help service them. The staff can help them understand your sleep study or do compliance and therapy reporting.





  • 優於市場平均的薪資待遇
  • 永久全遠端工作,疫情後也不需進辦公室 (省下通勤時間、交通費用)
  • 彈性上下班
  • 台灣國定假日 + 美國假期(1/1、Memorial Day、國慶日、Labor Day、感恩節、聖誕節)
  • 組織扁平化、團隊溝通順暢有效率


