【知識】課程營運部|Digital Marketing Manager


最近更新於 2024-09-04


【Who We Are】

PressPlay 為台灣第一家全方位影響力經濟集團






PressPlay is the first 360-degree creator ecosystem group in Taiwan. PressPlay has been expanding its business territory since 2016 with the missions “Maximize the Value of Influence” and “ Utilize Influence to Innovate New Business Opportunities,” striving to create the value of influence for each field with a 360-degree approach closely connected to everyone’s daily life.

PressPlay (pressplay.cc) is a creator focused company that maximizing the influence of knowledge with creators by introducing diverse subscription-based content, online course, and storytelling Podcast channel and by co-creating the “knowledge influence brand” of the creators.

The company is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, with teams based in Hong Kong and Los Angeles. Since 2019, we’ve created over 1,500 courses and 520K app downloads, and have generated $27M+ USD in revenue.

【What Will You Do】

▶ Develop and implement targeted marketing strategies that align with business objectives and increase our footprint in the North America market.


  • ▶ Create and execute lead generation campaigns that attract and convert high-quality leads into customers, using a mix of digital, event, and content marketing tactics.
  • ▶ Created and led digital marketing strategy, including advertising budget, social media exposure operations, project management, reporting and analytics.
  • ▶ Directly manage ads on large platforms e.g. Meta, Google, and Line......
  • ▶ Optimize ROAS/ROI for paid marketing channels.


▶ 2+ years of related work experience and solid knowledge within their functional area.

▶ Analytical skills with the ability to interpret data, identify trends, and drive actionable insights.

▶ Proficiency with GA4 or other data analysis software.












*【就是優於法】到職按比例享有7天特休,每年40小時不扣薪病假,生病就該休息! 還有生日假、週年假、健檢假,認真工作也要認真Play!認真重視夥伴們的健康

*【每年超 High 員工旅遊】2017長灘島放空曬太陽,2018前進夢幻蘇美島,2019曼谷自由行!2020疫情影響澎湖偽出國! 2022疫情花東度假去!2023準備再出國啦~~

*【Review 機制】平時的自我革命、當責實踐,將有蛻變的機會,只要用成果說話,獎金福利大力發! 


NT$ 900,000 - 1,300,000 (年薪)