MoBagel 行動貝果

Corporate video

我們是大數據時代下的價值探尋者。從我們的產品 - Decanter AI™ 出發,用 AutoML 技術,挖掘數據的價值,期待有理想的夥伴一同加入我們!


About Us

MoBagel is a key vendor of a no-code AI/ML platform, as recognized by Gartner in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Decanter AI, the no-code AI/ML platform, empowers data scientists and domain experts to design and build AI solutions together. Through partnerships with key partners such as Dentsu Group, Deloitte and JETRO to build no-code AI solutions together, Decanter AI has quickly accumulated over 100,000 users and is well-positioned to continue driving innovation and growth for sustainability.

MoBagel is a Series A company that has raised over $21 million in funding to fulfill our vision of “Solve with AI, Build Sustainability Together”. Following our mission, we have served over 3,000 brands in various industries, including Fortune 500 companies in manufacturing, healthcare, telecommunications, finance, e-commerce, retail, supply chain and logistics, and digital marketing.


Here are some of the credits that MoBagel has received:

  • Gartner Report - Top 10 Strategic Tech Trends for 2020 : Key Vendor of AI/ML platform 
(2020年 Gartner十大戰略技術趨勢報告推薦為「全球 AI/ML 平台代表廠商」)
  • UC Berkeley SkyDeck (UC Berkeley's premier startup accelerator) 柏克萊大學創業加速器校友企業
  • SoftBank Innovation Program (1st Round Winner) 日本軟銀創新合作計畫
  • Nokia Innovation Challenge (Top Prize of 400 startups) 全球首獎 (巴黎授獎)
  • Microsoft x Coca-Cola Smart Retail Hackathon (1st Prize in Greater China Region) 中華區冠軍 (台北授獎)
  • 入選微軟 AI 100 及微軟加速器
  • Plug and Play IoT Expo (1st Prize of 300 startups) 全美冠軍 (美國授獎)
  • 科技部評選年度最佳十酷科技新創

  • 日本東京都庁 海外技術年度引商八大企業 (東京授獎)
  • 法國東方匯理銀行 新創企業挑戰 第一名 (巴黎授獎)
  • 美國矽谷 IoT World Conf 人工智慧組 冠軍 (美國授獎)

Members ( 1 / 3 )


鍾哲民 (Adms Chung)

Iru Wang

Ken Lin

鍾哲民 (Adms Chung) CEO & Founder

美商 MoBagel Inc. 創辦人暨執行長,為加州柏克萊大學創業加速器培育校友企業。 曾獲多國獎項及創新合作計畫,如SoftBank創新合作計畫、Nokia創新挑戰首獎、東京都庁年度引商八大新創、微軟GCR零售創新黑客松冠軍、科技部十大最酷創新企業、美國 IoT World Conf AI 組冠軍…等,在 2020年 Gartner十大戰略技術趨勢報告推薦為「全球 AI/ML 平台關鍵廠商」。

Iru Wang COO & Founder

Stanford University EEMS National Taiwan University EEBS

Ken Lin CTO & Founder

NTUST CSIE BS & MS 德國 iF 工業設計獎 德國 Red dot 工業設計獎 阿里巴巴創業比賽第二名 美國 Salesforce Dreamforce $1M Hackathon 第六名

Our Missions

MoBagel’s Product
Decanter AI is an AI/ML platform that focuses on automating the entire data analytics process using a next generation of AutoML and time series forecasting technologies, such as automated data cleaning, automated pre-processing, automated feature engineering, automated feature selection, automated hyperparameter tuning, automated model training and scoring, stacking, ensembling and automated deep learning.

Through the optimization of efficiency in computing time and memory management, Decanter AI has achieved a computing time and efficiency of 110 times faster than Google AutoML Tables, and 10 to 1000 times faster than using Python Scikit-learn for model building, and at the same time having a much more robust system execution of distributed computing, parallel computing and memory optimization.


MoBagel’s Culture

We strongly believe in our cultural values of SOLVE (Share, Open, Lead, Vision, Engage) to create value and how it drives both individual personal growth and the growth of our company as a whole. The ideal MoBageler should be willing and able to solve problems with the SOLVE mentality.

SOLVE 解決問題、加值利他 

  • S for Share :願意分享資訊、知識、想法及感受 
  • O for Open : 開放接受多元價值及問題方法 
  • L for Lead : 帶領他人成長 
  • V for Vision : 拓展視野、積累專業洞察 
  • E for Engage : 主動承諾與行動,在乎彼此互動感受與安全感

Our Story

MoBagel 行動貝果由跨領域、國際化的團隊組成, 一同攜手打造面向市場的產品「人工智慧引擎 Decanter™」, 結合分析超過 100 種機器演算法, 致力將機器學習建模自動化, 協助企業們在巨量資料中爬梳潛在的趨勢方向,積極掌握數據的價值。
我們的團隊成員相當多元活潑,除了有來自海內外各校精英外, 也包跨了跨領域的人才或深具產業經驗和市場洞察的夥伴, 美式的工作環境氣氛, 多元包容、激勵創新、樂於挑戰為公司文化。

MoBagel 行動貝果是個成長迅速且在國際間受到矚目的新創企業,


Welfares by law


Other benefits


  1. Team Building 凝聚共識與感情
  2. 每個月不定時舉辦員工聚餐或活動
  3. 依上班時間提供早晚餐及 TGIF 午餐
  4. 書籍、課程進修、考取證照等專業進修補助
  5. 辦公室備有免費飲料與零食,可以盡情的吃爆喝爆
  6. 業績/分紅獎金
  7. 鼓勵並補助健康檢查
  8. 員工配股/優惠認購股份


  1. 在職進修補助
  2. 員工教育訓練
  3. 海外駐點輪調 (美國矽谷、日本東京、中國上海和北京),視疫情開放

Media ( 8 )

Other Positions