Sr. IT Application Engineer 資訊系統 (ID: 24002D)


Purpose of this Position 

Moxa IT is a professional information technology team to handle business application systems and IT infrastructure globally. We are looking for creative & self-motivate talent to join as to build up world class business platform. The candidate should equip with solid technology background and rich experience. Hands-on experience for large scale business application implementation upon either cloud or on-premised is also the key criteria. Manage/ Engage of Key Initiatives and make business unit to success via ensure successful engagements and project go-lives. Start from analyzing business requirements, variances, and solution assessment then as project manager to lead implementation.


Major Areas of Responsibility

  1. 負責customer facing相關系統平台開發與維護工作
  2. 負責系統測試的規劃與執行確保開發品質
  3. 分析使用者需求,進行系統分析、設計與程式撰寫,並協助專案經理進行可行性評估、時程安排、進度控管以及專案文件之撰寫
  4. 使用者教育訓練與系統上線 5. 系統上線後負起維護與持續改善的責任


Minimum Job Requirements

  1. Education: bachelor or above
  2. Major Subject:Information Technology, MIS or relevant major subjects
  3. Key Skills:
    • 三年以上相關Customer facing系統導入或系統分析、維運經驗
    • 有雲端應用系統的導入或系統分析、維運經驗 (SaaS, PaaS)
    • 具英文書寫和基本溝通能力
    • 客戶導向的思維並且樂於與人合作和溝通
    • 具備團隊合作精神 –能自我學習並且獨立完成明確的工作事項




Required Competencies

  1. Diligent with attention to detail
  2. Professional and positive approach
  3. Ability to cope under pressure
  4. Collaborates well
  5. Dynamic and vigorous
  6. Self-motivated & self-sufficient
  7. Effective communicator at all levels
  8. Team player, and able to work on own initiative
  9. Assertive, adaptable, and creative
  10. Analytic ability
  11. Willingness to go the extra mile when required
  12. Customer focus



1. 落實經營成果共享理念  

  • 年度績效獎金  
  • 員工分紅(集團卓越激勵計畫)

2. 建立專職文化福利組織  

  • 擴大員工福利政策及社會公益活動執行  
  • 發展同仁第二職能,做整體職涯規劃

3. 給予同仁多重保障與照顧  

  • 提供勞保、健保及團體保險

4. 鼓勵同仁出國旅遊,增廣見聞  

  • 提供高額國外旅遊特別補助金

5. 豐富同仁的生活  

  • 成立員工俱樂部辦理年度國內旅遊及慶生活動  
  • 每週三第一個小時為讀思樂時間,培養人文思維拓展視野

6. 培養同仁工作以外的興趣  

  • 專案提撥社團活動經費,同仁可自組社團申請補助   (羽球社、單車社、瑜珈社、熱舞社、攝影社、靜心社...)

7. 充實同仁工作知識與技能  

  • 內外部教育訓練  
  • 工作輪調機會

8. 週休二日及優於勞基法之休假制度

