MAI 處於教育科技 (EdTech) 的前沿,專注於沉浸式虛擬實境 (VR) 解決方案。 我們的目標是透過沉浸式的互動式模擬來加速醫學教育和培訓的學習效率。 我們的旗艦 VR 產品 BodyMap 對醫學教育產生了重大影響,並得到加州大學洛杉磯分校David Geffen School of Medicine 實證研究的支持。 這項研究強調,超過 90% 的學生認為 BodyMap可以大大增強他們的解剖學學習體驗,並主張將其融入醫學教育中。
MAI的產品包括 (1) BodyMap : VR人體解剖與模擬訓練軟體 (2) AcuMap : 身臨其境的虛擬針灸培訓軟體,以及 (3) DigiTwin : 醫學影像融合與數位分身重建軟體。產品與多數硬體大廠設備整合,將用戶轉移到沉浸式虛擬環境中,透過擬真的醫學影像模擬技術,以往在傳統教學工具艱澀難懂的複雜人體問題,都可迎刃而解。通過先進的虛擬實境技術,醫學機構可在現有的教學方式延伸更豐富有趣、高效率並節省管理成本的新一代醫學教育。
The founding of Augmented Intelligence, Inc. is inspired by the ideas of American computer engineer and inventor Douglas Carl Engelbart. In his study: Augmenting Human Intellect he believed that – by increasing man’s capacity and capability to approach and understand complex situations and problems – solutions can be found.
With rapid advancements in the technology of visualization, we are aiming to increase the capacity and capability of medical professionals to understand and solve complex medical problems. Our solution can rapidly facilitate their understanding and comprehension of the human body so the appropriate treatments that can be used to keep optimal health. Think about the Hubble telescope or the electron microscope. These devices helped scientists to see better and clearer, so they were able to explore and discover solutions that were previously unsolvable.
We believe Augmented Intelligence can advance medical intelligence through simulated visualization and collaborative learning.