Labfront (formerly Kiipo)

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We believe everyone has a fundamental right to a healthy life. We are tech-company stri...


About Us

Based in Taipei, Labfront (formerly Kiipo) is a global health-technology company aimed at leveraging technological innovations—AI, Machine Learning, IOT—to tackle the world’s healthcare disparity. Our current ecosystem of services includes projects to increase access to emergency care, tools to increase the quality of care, and research and development initiatives to facilitate scientific breakthroughs. Learn more at Labfront.

Labfront (前身為Kiipo)是位於臺北的全球化生醫健康科技公司,旨在利用技術創新(人工智能,機器學習和物聯網)來改善全球醫療服務優劣的差距。



Labfront elevates your research findings by simplifying physiological data collection and management.


Kiipo和Nordic Medical Centre(NMC)合作,創立了衣索比亞首個完整的類911緊急醫療救護系統(EMS系統)。緊急醫療救護系統是Kiipo生態系的基石之一,衣索比亞EMS系統是其一環,促進緊急醫療照顧的普及。


Members ( 1 / 5 )

Chris Peng

Jordan Masys

Louis Collard

William Dowie

Wendy Wang

Chris Peng Co-founder & CEO

Chris leads Kiipo on towards the vision of better healthcare. Product-focused and with AI experience, alumni of CDB (BIDMC/ Harvard).

Jordan Masys Co-founder & COO

Jordan leads everything business, from strategy to operations and execution. Prior to Kiipo, he was a founding team member of an international hospital in Ethiopia.

Louis Collard VP, Engineering

A 10-year veteran of Google UK, Louis is building the next- generation of Kiipo’s product engineering and AI cloud teams.

William Dowie VP, Partnerships

A tech-executive previously at HTC, Nokia (HMD), TCL, and most recently as Head of Partnerships at OnePlus, William brings prime senior leadership and experience.

Wendy Wang Sr. Manager, Design

Former HTC Sr. Interaction Designer, Wendy is one of four founding team members at Kiipo, leading all things design from the very beginning.

Our Missions

We live in an age of contrasts. While our collective resources have never been higher, health disparity has also grown. In some parts of the world you can have a world-class surgeon working on you remotely from another continent, in others you won’t even find basic care. This seems absurd.
We live in the most exciting time in human history. With today’s ease of access to knowledge and technology, the power to make a difference on a mass-scale is at our fingertips — and with that gift, comes responsibility. This is a driving motivation behind Kiipo’s founding--part of the movement restoring corporate responsibility on a social level. We intend to leave the world a better place than when we inherited it.

Work hardhave fun, and go change the world.



這就是催生 Kiipo創立的理念基礎,社會公益不該只是企業行為的附帶外部效益,而是每個企業都應肩負起的基本職責。

Our Story

The idea for Kiipo came to cofounders Chris and Jordan - while road tripping on the Big Island of Hawaii. During the summer of 2015, while celebrating their release of Ethiopia’s first full-circle EMS (Emergency Medical Services) system, the two were camping on Mauna Loa volcano when the idea started to take shape. After spending the better parts of a year and a half, Chris and Jordan had coordinated the release of the system to critical (local) acclaim. That success totally went to their heads, and with youthful exuberance led them to a life changing decision: start a company aimed at utilizing technology and empathy-driven design to provide everyone access to better health.
In the fall of 2015, the two moved to Taipei, Taiwan to start what would become Kiipo.

At the beginning of 2022, the name changed to Labfront. See our CEO - Chris Peng's article: Hello 2022, we are Labfront.


Kiipo的想法來自共同創始人ChrisJordan2015年夏天,他們正在夏威夷大島上公路旅行。兩人在慶祝在衣索比亞的第一個EMS(緊急醫療服務)系統發布時,Kiipo開始有了雛型。 一年半後,ChrisJordan推出了這個系統,獲得了地方廣泛的好評。 這種成功及成就感讓他們震奮不已,年輕有衝勁的他們做出了改變人生的決定:成立一家旨在利用技術和以同情心驅動的設計讓所有人更接近健康的公司。



參考CEO - Chris Peng 文章:Hello 2022, we are Labfront.


Welfares by law


Other benefits

  • 基本勞健保/勞退保障 優於勞基法的可彈性上班時間(10:00-18:00) 及年假(一年14天假)
  • 寬大舒適的休息空間;
  • 高樓層視野寬闊,可遠眺陽明山/中正紀念堂/新光三越美景
  • 遊戲房(PS4,VR)
  • 限高停車位可使用
  • 和一群很棒的人一起努力讓世界變得更好

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