【TW】Business Analysis Manager 商業分析經理

Crescendo Lab 漸強實驗室

最近更新於 2024-09-13



Crescendo Lab is looking for a Business Analysis Manager to optimize internal business flows. The ideal candidate will be responsible for understanding and mapping out current business processes, identifying areas for improvement, communicating changes with stakeholders, and managing project timelines. You will have the support of the management team to drive the project forward. 


System Integration and Optimization: 

  • Lead the integration of CRM, billing, ERP, and product systems to ensure seamless data flow and process efficiency.
  • Develop and implement strategies to streamline and automate business processes, enhancing overall efficiency and scalability.

Process Analysis and Improvement: 

  • Analyze existing business processes and systems, identify areas for improvement, and propose solutions to enhance operational efficiency.
  • Work closely with stakeholders to understand business requirements and translate them into system specifications.

Stakeholder Communication: 

  • Act as a liaison between business units and technical teams, ensuring clear communication and understanding of system capabilities and limitations.
  • Provide training and support to end-users to ensure effective use of business systems.

Project Management: 

  • Manage project timelines, resources, and deliverables to ensure the successful implementation of system changes and upgrades.
  • Coordinate with various departments to align system improvements with business goals.

Data Management and Reporting: 

  • Ensure accurate data collection and reporting across all systems, providing insights to support decision-making.
  • Monitor system performance and troubleshoot issues as needed.



  • Education and Experience: 
    • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Information Systems, or a related field.
    • At least 5 years of experience in business process management, with a focus on system integration and process optimization.
  • Technical Skills: 
    • Proficiency in business process modeling and data analysis.
    • Experience with CRM, ERP, and billing systems.
    • Familiarity with Hubspot, Netsuite, and other relevant systems is a plus.
  • Soft Skills: 
    • Excellent communication and stakeholder management skills.
    • Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
    • Fluent in English; proficiency in another language is a plus.



  • Experience in Martech, Startup, or SaaS industries.
  • Strong logical thinking and problem-solving skills.





 ◎ 安心保障 

  • 法定保障-勞保、健保、勞退提撥 

◎ 彈性工作環境 

  • 小巨蛋站步行 8分鐘,上下班交通方便 
  • 彈性上下班時間,採混合辦公(hybrid) 
  • 開放式工作空間,你可以選擇在任何舒適的角落工作 

◎ 公司文化 

  • 年輕團隊,扁平組織,去官僚化的快速溝通 
  • 互相包容尊重、講求效率與信任 
  • 所有的意見都會被重視,一起學習成長 

◎ 福利制度 

  • 到職即享有無期限休假,只要工作能完成,連休沒有上限!(所有假別皆不扣薪) 
  • 公司提供高規的 MAC 筆電 
  • 每個月零食櫃更新,還有各式咖啡、茶,隨時補充能量  
  • 每週免費按摩,放鬆緊繃身體 
  • 定期舉辦Team Building活動,一起同樂去
  • 每年健檢、心理諮商及物理治療補助,員工眷屬享有優惠價

◎ 進修機會 

  • 公司補助參加 Workshop 或進修課程,讓你學習到業界最新的知識 
  • 不定期的業界人士內部分享,讓你了解業界的的最新脈動 (之前請過北美 Google,矽谷工程來、大數據工程師來分享業界最新動態) 
  • 更多詳情請閱讀公司部落格:http://bit.ly/2JX3vnO


NT$ 1,100,000 - 1,900,000 (年薪)