【TW】Senior Marketing Specialist 資深市場行銷專員 (Event)

Crescendo Lab 漸強實驗室

最近更新於 2025-02-26







  • 制定全面的數位行銷戰略,提高品牌知名度並推動參與度。

  • 分析市場趨勢和競爭對手活動,找出成長機會。

  • 與跨職能團隊合作,將數位計劃整合到更廣泛的行銷活動中。


  • 計劃、執行並優化跨平台的數位廣告活動。

  • 監控和分析數位廣告效果,根據數據調整以獲得最佳結果。

  • 持續關注行業趨勢和新興技術,增強數位廣告工作。


  • 計劃、協調與執行實體和線上活動,提升品牌知名度和客戶參與度。

  • 與內部團隊和外部合作夥伴合作,確保活動無縫執行。

  • 通過後續活動分析和反饋收集評估活動的成功度。


  • 與內容團隊密切合作,為各種行銷渠道創建引人入勝且相關的內容。

  • 確保在所有數位平台和行銷材料中的訊息一致性。

  • 提出符合品牌目標的創意內容想法。


Job Description:

We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Marketing Specialist to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate is a creative thinker with a strong background in marketing and a proven track record of success. As a Marketing Specialist, you will be responsible for planning and executing digital marketing strategies, managing digital advertising campaigns, coordinating both physical and online events, and utilizing bonus experiences such as BI tools, Mailchimp, HubSpot, exposure to B2B industries, and familiarity with social media channels.

Digital Marketing Strategy:

  • Develop and implement comprehensive digital marketing strategies to increase brand visibility and drive engagement.

  • Analyze market trends and competitor activities to identify opportunities for growth.

  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate digital initiatives into broader marketing campaigns.

Digital Advertising:

  • Plan, execute, and optimize digital advertising campaigns across various platforms.

  • Monitor and analyze the performance of digital ads, making data-driven adjustments for optimal results.

  • Stay informed about industry trends and emerging technologies to enhance digital advertising efforts.

Event Planning and Execution:

  • Plan and coordinate both physical and online events to promote brand awareness and customer engagement.

  • Collaborate with internal teams and external partners to ensure seamless execution of events.

  • Evaluate the success of events through post-event analysis and feedback collection.

Content Creation:

  • Work closely with the content team to develop engaging and relevant content for various marketing channels.

  • Ensure consistency in messaging across all digital platforms and marketing materials.

  • Contribute creative ideas for content that aligns with the brand's objectives.

If you are a results-oriented marketing professional with a passion for innovation and a desire to contribute to the success of a dynamic organization, we invite you to apply. Join our team and be a key player in shaping our brand's digital presence and overall marketing success.


  • 行銷、商業或相關領域的學士學位。

  • 至少5年的行銷經驗,熟悉數位行銷領域。

  • 高度的責任感,能夠獨自完成活動與線上廣告規劃與執行。

  • 熱愛人群交流,擅長舉辦各線上線下活動。

  • 在規劃和執行數位廣告或實體活動方面有實務經驗。

  • 具有管理多項任務和期限的專案管理技能。

  • 對於跨團隊溝通具有同理心。

  • 具有積極的創意思維和解決問題的能力。

  • 熟悉行銷分析,能夠運用數據做出決策。

  • Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business, or a related field.

  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in marketing, with a focus on digital marketing.

  • Proven experience in planning and executing digital advertising campaigns.

  • Strong project management skills with the ability to manage multiple tasks and deadlines.

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

  • Creative thinker with a proactive and problem-solving mindset.

  • Familiarity with marketing analytics and the ability to use data to drive decisions.

  • Experience in planning and executing both physical and online events is a plus.


  • 精通使用BI工具進行數據分析和報告。

  • 具備使用Mailchimp和HubSpot等行銷平台的實際經驗。

  • 具有MarTech產業或B2B操作的經驗,並理解B2B動態。

  • 熟悉CRM系統,能夠利用它們進行有針對性的行銷活動。

  • 熟悉社交媒體渠道,並具有管理社交媒體活動的經驗。

  • 具備英文口說、閱讀和撰寫的能力,能夠用英語創建簡報並提案。

  • 在英語書面溝通方面具有信心,例如編寫英文行銷文案和電子郵件活動,能夠有效地與國際團隊和客戶進行溝通。

  • Proficiency in using BI tools for data analysis and reporting.

  • Hands-on experience with email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp and HubSpot.

  • Previous exposure to B2B industries, demonstrating an understanding of B2B marketing dynamics.

  • Familiarity with CRM systems and the ability to leverage them for targeted marketing initiatives.

  • Familiarity with social media channels and experience in managing social media campaigns.

  • Strong proficiency in spoken and written English to effectively communicate with international teams and clients. Able to create and deliver presentations in English.





 ◎ 安心保障 

  • 法定保障-勞保、健保、勞退提撥 

◎ 彈性工作環境 

  • 小巨蛋站步行 8分鐘,上下班交通方便 
  • 彈性上下班時間
  • 採混合辦公(hybrid) ,一週進辦兩天,以配合團隊會議為主
  • 開放式工作空間,你可以選擇在任何舒適的角落工作 

◎ 公司文化 

  • 年輕團隊,扁平組織,去官僚化的快速溝通 
  • 互相包容尊重、講求效率與信任 
  • 所有的意見都會被重視,一起學習成長 

◎ 福利制度 

  • 到職即享有無期限休假,只要工作能完成,連休沒有上限!(所有假別皆不扣薪) 
  • 公司提供高規的 MAC 筆電 
  • 每個月零食櫃更新,還有各式咖啡、茶,隨時補充能量  
  • 每週免費按摩,放鬆緊繃身體 
  • 定期舉辦Team Building活動,一起同樂去
  • 每年健檢、心理諮商及物理治療補助,員工眷屬享有優惠價

◎ 進修機會 

  • 公司補助參加 Workshop 或進修課程,讓你學習到業界最新的知識 
  • 不定期的業界人士內部分享,讓你了解業界的的最新脈動 (之前請過北美 Google,矽谷工程來、大數據工程師來分享業界最新動態) 
  • 更多詳情請閱讀公司部落格:http://bit.ly/2JX3vnO


NT$ 600,000 - 920,000 (年薪)