CoolBitX 庫幣科技


CoolBitX 於2014年創立,是 Fintech 和區塊鏈產業中硬體冷錢包的技術先驅,並提供最新的加密貨幣交易法遵解決方案。自創辦以來,已在全球售出超過二十...



CoolBitX 於2014年創立,是 Fintech 和區塊鏈產業中硬體冷錢包的技術先驅,並提供最新的加密貨幣交易法遵解決方案。自創辦以來,已在全球售出超過二十萬套 CoolWallet ,為全球前三大冷錢包製造商之一,也和全球超過三十家交易所簽訂 Sygna 的 MOU,是數位資產行業的的領航者。庫幣在2020年被 CB Insights 評為世界五十大區塊鏈公司,更入選國發會 NEXT BIG 新創明日之星,獲得總統的親自授獎。若你對 Startup、FinTech、區塊鏈有興趣與熱情,歡迎加入我們的頂尖團隊!


CoolBitX (CBX) was founded in 2014 and quickly became one of the leading companies in the crypto industry to specialize in cold wallet storage and AML travel rule compliance solutions. CBX was nominated as the worldwide Blockchain 50 companies by CB Insights in 2020, and was jointly nominated to be one of the NEXT BIG startups by the National Development Council of Taiwan and industry key opinion leaders to become one of the nine startups as NEXT BIG representatives. Joining CBX will be an exciting opportunity to participate in a rapidly evolving industry and a company which will define the market trends for the upcoming decades just like the internet did in the 90s.




虛擬貨幣錢包 CoolWallet CoolBitX 所生產的虛擬貨幣錢包 CoolWallet 是市面上最輕薄的冷儲存裝置。CoolWallet 外型如信用卡,方便隨身攜帶,可輕鬆收納於皮夾之中。卡片內建電子螢幕,透過藍芽連結手機 App,卡片上的顯示螢幕,使用者能夠清楚知道當下的操作流程以及虛擬貨幣餘額,並透過卡片實體按鍵簽章確認交易,防止駭客攻擊的可能,是兼顧使用者體驗與高安全規格的硬體錢包。 虛擬貨幣合規產品 Sygna Sygna 是一套協助虛擬貨幣交易平台的合規產品,是首家獲得 ISO/IEC 27001 認證、符合 FATF 轉帳規定 (travel rule) 的合規性解決方案。Sygna 旨在協助全球虛擬資產服務提供商 (VASP) 網絡滿足 AML/CFT 法規,讓使用者可以更安全、方便的達到全球金融市場和監管機構所要求的標準,提高數位資產傳輸的透明度。目前已與全球超過三十家交易所簽訂MOU,期許 Sygna 未來能夠成為虛擬貨幣界的 SWIFT 系統。

CoolWallet Our CoolWallet product is the thinnest and lightest cold storage device for cryptocurrencies on the market. CoolWallet has the shape of a credit card so that it can be stored in a wallet easily. The card has a built-in electronic screen which is connected to the mobile app via Bluetooth. The screen on the card allows users to see the operation process and virtual currency balance. One must confirm all transactions through the physical keys on the card so that any possible hacker attempt is prevented. Our CoolWallet values both user experience and meets the highest security standards. Sygna Sygna is the first-ever FATF Travel Rule compliance solution provider for crypto assets awarded for ISO/IEC 27001 certification. Sygna is helping the growing global network of virtual asset service providers (VASPs) to meet AML/CFT regulations. Through solid alliances with major blockchain industry players, we are raising the transparency of digital asset transmittals to the standards required by the global financial markets and regulators.


CoolBitX 旨在降低進入加密貨幣世界的門檻,使區塊鏈應用更加方便及合規,讓人們能更簡單且安全的存儲加密貨幣及進行其他應用。目前我們正在積極研發更多新的服務和功能,期望能運用區塊鏈及軟硬體整合技術優勢,為人們帶來更方便的生活。

CoolBitX aims to lower the barriers for people to enter the crypto world. Making blockchain applications more approachable and compliant, allowing people to store cryptocurrencies easily and safely are our missions. We are currently developing more new applications and functions, hoping to make life slightly easier for all with blockchain and Integration of software and hardware technologies.








  • 入職即贈CoolWallet Pro一張
  • 新手入門100$USD等值加密貨幣
  • 每週固定知識交流分享會


  • 零食咖啡及特約商店優惠折扣
  • 彈性上下班及在家辦公機會
  • 每人配MacBook及外接大螢幕


  • 優於勞基法之特休及病假
  • 團體保險及年度員工健檢
  • 週度下午茶及月度部門聚餐


  • 新人入職培訓計劃
  • 員工推薦獎金制度
  • 年度績效考評機制


Our office is located at the heart of Taipei - a 3-minute walk from Songjiang Nanjing MRT Station, easy to reach, and surrounded by restaurants and shops. We have open workspaces for close collaboration and interaction. We care about teamwork, effective communication, and most importantly, every single employee’s well-being.

By joining us you get to…

[immerse in the crypto world]

  • Get our latest product from day one
  • US$100 worth of cryptocurrency
  • Weekly Speakers’ corner sharing session

[work in a friendly environment]

  • Snacks, coffee, and special discounts around
  • flexible working hours and to WFH
  • MacBook + big screen

[keep your work-life balance]

  • Favorable annual leave policies
  • Annual health examination and group insurance
  • Afternoon tea and monthly team lunch

[grow with the company]

  • Training course for newcomers
  • Employee referral program
  • Annual performance review

Are curious about blockchain and passionate about cryptos? Are you always actively learning and looking for challenges? Do you enjoy working closely with the team? If so, CoolBitX will be your top choice!

媒體報導 ( 6 )


