
Our team has extensive experience in web development and design. We are committed to providing user-friendly and high-performance to ensure that our products fully meet the needs of our users. Our department emphasizes teamwork and continuous learning, and constantly pursues technological innovation and best practices.

【Job Content】

• Design fancy frontend/UI based on UX specifications
• Optimize applications for maximum speed
• Collaborate with back-end developers and web designers to improve usability and deliver security product to global market
• Maintain and improve website
• Create quality mockups and prototypes
• Stay up to date on emerging technologies


• At least three years’ experience in front-end development using React.
• Experience with web UI technologies - Bootstrap, CSS, SCSS, SASS, CSS-in-JS, ECMAScript.
• UI frontend technologies expertise to develop RWD website.
• Familiarity with browser testing and debugging
• Basic knowledge of RESTful API integration.
• Experience interacting with designs using tools like Figma.
• Experience with Git and GitLab CI/CD.
• A sense of self-motivation and teamwork.
• Enthusiastic about testing and performance.
• Open-minded and willing to learn new tools, technologies, and frameworks to develop clean, testable and maintainable components in ReactJS.




【Nice-to-have Qualifications】

• Security concept on web vulnerability, such as OWASP Top 10.
• Knowledge of frontend testing.





| 發展與教育訓練 |

  • 重視成長與專業訓練,頂尖專家技術分享

  • 提供教育訓練,與國內外最新技術研討會

  • 跨國專家團隊合作,學習國際的工作文化

  • 鼓勵交流分享,定期舉辦技術新知分享會


| 工作與生活的彈性 |

  • 強調自律與自主管理,享有彈性工作時間

  • 工作與生活平衡,優於法令的特休假制度

  • 身體不適可放心休憩,每年十天全薪病假

  • 旅遊補助,工作之餘也要充電補給身心靈


| 員工福利 |

  • 多項禮金祝福,生日、年節、婚喪禮金

  • 全方位的守護,年度健康檢查及團體保險

  • 多方面的關懷,提供運動補助、交通津貼

  • 團隊情感連繫,員工聚餐補助、團隊建立

  • 合作按摩師駐點服務,上班也能舒壓放鬆


| 工作環境 |

  • 提供寬敞、舒適與開放的上班與學習空間

  • 免費咖啡、水果、零食、點心、下午茶等

