【Tech】Senior Frontend Engineer


▍About Us

Our core strength lies in applying cutting-edge AI technologies across all aspects of game platform operations, from content creation to user experience optimization, data analysis, and marketing strategy formulation.
We're seeking a passionate Frontend Engineer to join our team in exploring new frontiers of AI-driven game platform operations and shaping the gaming industry's future!

▍About this Role

As a Frontend Engineer, you will develop and maintain our web applications and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). You'll work closely with designers, backend engineers, and the Data Team to create compelling user experiences and integrate the latest AI technologies into our front-end solutions.


  • Develop and optimize high-performance, responsive web applications
  • Implement complex user interfaces and interaction designs
  • Ensure cross-platform compatibility and responsiveness across various devices and browsers
  • Optimize web application performance, focusing on fast load times, smooth animations, and efficient use of device resources
  • Collaborate with the backend team to integrate AI-driven features such as intelligent customer service and personalized recommendations
  • Participate in frontend architecture design, introducing new technologies and best practices to improve development efficiency and product quality
  • Conduct and participate in code reviews to maintain high-quality code standards
  • Collaborate with the team to explore and implement new frontend technologies, continuously improving our tech stack


​​​​▍Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field
  • 3+ years of frontend development experience with proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Familiarity with modern frontend frameworks (e.g., React, Vue, or Angular) and their ecosystems
  • Experience with state management libraries (e.g., Redux, MobX)
  • Proficiency in web performance optimization techniques
  • Experience with RESTful API design and usage
  • Strong problem-solving skills and team collaboration spirit
  • Curiosity about new technologies and ability to quickly learn and adapt to new tools and frameworks

​​​​​​▍Nice to Have

  • Experience with Progressive Web App (PWA) development, including Service Workers and Workbox, Web App Manifests, Offline functionality and caching strategies, Push notifications, Background sync
  • Experience with Live2D or WebGL development
  • Research or practical experience in frontend rendering technologies
  • Exploration or practical experience in applying AI technologies to frontend development
  • Contributions to open-source projects or maintaining a personal tech blog
  • Experience with web application testing frameworks and methodologies







1. 全面的保險計劃: 除了符合勞基法的勞工保險與健保,還提供額外的保險保障

2. 交通津貼補助讓你輕鬆上下班

3. 免費飲料和零食: 休息區會放滿飲料跟零食, 不怕吃不夠只怕你吃不飽

4. 免費午餐: 怕麻煩不想離開辦公室?有人每天送餐,讓你不為午餐煩惱

5. 具有競爭力的薪酬: 於市場的薪資福利,你的付出將得到應有的回報

6. 日本研修交流: 與日本夥伴緊密合作,出差東京全程公司承擔費用

7. 標配 28 吋 IPS 4K 電競螢幕、Backbone Kabuto™ 系列人體工學椅、MOTTI 電動升降桌,讓你自在享受工作的樂趣


NT$ 1,300,000 - 2,500,000 (年薪)