Quantrend Technology

AI Quantitative Trading, Redefined



Quantrend Technology empowers the paradigm shift from traditional quant to AI quant by modern deep learning approaches.

[The Old-School Approach]
Traditional quant trading firms find alphas by using technical indicators and hand-crafted features, which cannot explain the overall market actions efficiently.
They then apply traditional time series analysis, statistical or financial models that cannot fully capture the underlying market dynamics,
easily overfitting their models and resulting in fast decay in their alphas.

[Quant, Redefined]
Quantrend Technology takes advantage of modern end-to-end deep learning models, which can automatically extract robust and high-quality trading signals (Alphas) that cannot be captured by traditional approaches.

Instead of predicting market trends without considering the volatilities involved,
our models can learn the whole market dynamics as a probability distribution,
allowing risk-adjusted returns to be effectively predicted in all time scales.

At the same time, inter-market dynamics can also be learned end-to-end, which is often intractable using traditional approaches.

[Alphas, Sharpened]
The alphas found by Quantrend Technology's deep learning models are robust and decay slowly, and our online learning algorithm keeps updating the alphas as market advances.

[Risks, Minimized]
Quantrend Technology applies machine learning-based risk management and portfolio diversification system to help clients of different risk appetite to reach maximum risk-adjusted returns under the exposure of controlled risk.


The company honors contributions for trading strategy developers by allocating a lucrative percentage of annual profits to highly performant staffs. It acts like running your own startup where the profits are directly associated with your efforts.






具競爭力薪資水準、年終獎金、三節獎金/禮品 與 綜合績效獎金、彈性上下班時間


特假 :到職 10 天 (依到職比例給予) ; 滿一/兩/三年 :12/15/20日

帶薪病假 :全年 5 天  ;  生日假 :1 天  ; 補班日 :彈性放假

員工保險 :勞工退休金提撥 , 勞工保險, 全民健康保險, 團體意外險及醫療險


捷運象山站步行 6 分鐘 (約 450 公尺) 或 捷運市府站步行 9 分鐘 (約 700 公尺),上下班交通方便



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