亞洲即時互動體龍頭 17LIVE 秉持讓內容創作者發光發熱的使命,提供創作者影音平台進行直播互動、節目錄製與表演的舞台,更落實健全的系統化模式,從挖掘、培訓到宣傳,致力打破傳統經紀公司的模式,並攜手橫跨娛樂、網紅經紀等產業的合作夥伴,壯大海內外發展、布局全球,引領世界進入直播新媒體世代。
17 LIVE 歡迎對以下工作內容有興趣的 2D Animator 2D動畫師 加入我們的大家庭
17LIVE is building the future of streaming platforms. Your role as the Product owner of the gaming team, is to own features and analysis which help drive user engagement, revenue, and retention across the platform. 17LIVE is a live streaming app that is huge in Asia and growing in the US. We deliver new ways for people to stream and interact with each other. This role requires quite a bit of collaboration with our Taiwan, US, Japan, and Hong Kong teams so there will be evening hours expected. One of the challenges that is exciting for Product Managers is using one app for a global audience!
We are currently hiring for 2D Animator professional to join us:
The following experiences are favored for this position
Good to have
- 提供三節禮金
- 優秀人才推薦獎金
- 優渥薪資
- 在職滿一年保障年薪 14 個月
- 寬敞明亮辦公環境
- Macbook Air 13吋
- Macbook Pro 15吋
- 外接顯示器或iMac 27
- 員工休閒區:提供清新舒適交誼空間
- 各式聚餐與團隊凝聚活動
- 17Café享受把咖啡廳搬進辦公室
- 優於勞基法特休假條件
- 到職即享有年假及全薪病假
- 為犒賞員工,還有專屬生日假
- 享有定期內部、教育訓練、案例分享、研討會
- 年度職能進修補助與健康檢查補助
- 與美、日、中、新、馬等,國內外技術、行銷、管理優秀人才共事,提升國際視野與競爭力