Legal and Compliance Director

Vpon Style 威朋企業文化:創業家精神、利他、開放


This position is a critical senior leader for the enhancing legal and compliance standards in the specified affiliate and assisting the regional heads, in developing and implementing a newly established group policy dedicated to compliance and ethical behavior.


1. Provides compliance support and valuable comments to other functional heads to fulfill compliance requirements.

2. Advise company concerning business transactions, claim liability, the advisability of prosecuting or defending lawsuits, or legal rights and obligations.

3. Supervise the implementation of compliance policies and procedures

4. Based on regulatory updates perform regulatory analysis and tracking if the proposed countermeasure properly implemented.

5. Provide proper training, communication enables employees in understanding company policies and regulatory requirements and obligations in relation to their duties. 6. Develop procedures to ensure safety, security, quality, and accuracy of results (e.g. GDPR)



1. Law degree in Taiwan; LL.M. degree from a foreign jurisdiction.

2. At least 8 years post-qualification experience, 2+ years of which as in-house counsel, preferably with listed or multi-national companies.

3. Licensed to practice in Taiwan or Japan will be a big plus.

4. Fluent verbal and written English communication skills that can level with different management and technical teams

5. Have relevant research or case participation experience in related technology laws such as big data, product operation, and data architecture (relevant regulations or case study materials are required).

6. Knowledge and experience working with various information security frameworks (ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27701:2019) and regulatory frameworks (GDPR)

7. Ability to work in a multi-cultural regional and global environment

8. Strong analytical skills. Ability to interpret rules and guidelines, and the ability to conceptualize policies, procedures, and controls.

9. Ability to demonstrate sound and independent judgment, prudence, and maturity in complex and sensitive cases.

10. A strong commitment to integrity and professionalism and a commitment to excellence.






● 超強的夥伴!你沒看錯!我們負責找到優秀的人才跟你一起組隊,一起拓荒,不輕易滅團。

● 超方便交通,捷運中山國中站正對面,跑步騎車上班也很方便!

● 到職首年即享有16天特假,入職後第四年起20天特休。我們重視家庭與生活,請多陪陪家人,假期多,請安排好代理人。

● 彈性上下班制度,用餐時間不限,每日做好做滿8小時

● 週休二日、5天全薪病假,給假歸給假,身體是自己的,要好好照顧!

● 不定期提供Free啤酒!新鮮水果!啤酒肚不在保固範圍。

● 桌遊隨意玩,咖啡隨意喝!好康的軟性飲料與零食! 三不五時還有外部廠商的美味試吃活動喔!

● 瑜珈球、健身器材!是的,身為小清新的工作職人,請保持健美的身材。

● 安靜舒適的媽咪專屬哺乳室,有專用冰箱。

● 工業風格的辦公環境與員工休息區。坐在窗邊裝裝文青。

● 愛心視障按摩服務,每次30元愛心捐款,小小的愛心集氣成大大的力量,每年捐贈給特定慈善機構。

● 定期舉辦慈善二手義賣活動,珍惜好物彼此交流,還能自訂捐款金額,一起做好事!

● 為愛朗讀,每年揪團擔任育幼院慈善志工,為孩子們說故事,帶活動,把歡樂帶給大家。



● 職人講堂活動,與各產業神人交流互動好機會

● 不定期員工活動(Team building、聖誕趴、野餐日、漆彈日等)

● 健康檢查

● 中秋端午節禮金

● 生日禮券

