業務管理資深專員/副理 Business Line Management

最近更新於 2021-11-22


• Financial (P&L) responsibility for the ViewBoard® (Interactive Flat Panel) and Commercial Display Business Line.
• Drive high business growth by ensuring your go-to-market strategies provides strong technical and product support to the Country Teams.
• Provide regular feedback and insights to different team members in the Marketing, Service, Operation, Quality Assurance and BU departments.
• Track and monitor the delivery of agreed products and services.
• Contribute to the development of the product strategy, roadmap and solution of our ViewBoard® (Interactive Flat Panel) and Commercial Display Business Line.
• Drive tactical programs to support the strategic direction for the business line.
• Close collaboration with your country teams to ensure highest quality performance through feedback, training (webinar, on-site, online/offline) and development.
• Plan go-to-market strategy and create marketing collaterals and training material together with product marketing team. "
• Provide guidance and facilitate cross training among departments and country teams to drive performance.


  • 3+ years' experience in product marketing in the similar industry
  • Solid communication skills to articulate your ideas, out-going personality 擅於表達,邏輯清晰,能容易讓他人理解自己的想法 。
  • Multi-tasking capability and pressure management 處理事情有條理與架構,能拆解複雜的事務 。
  • Hands on skills of the digital marketing and able to handle live streaming training 不怕面對鏡頭,能從容的用直播或影片錄製的方式進行業務培訓
  • Positive mindset and able to learn from failures對事物有自己的看法但又能接受與融合他人建議;樂觀正向不怕嘗試失敗 。
  • Familiar with office productivity and collaboration suits; with video editing app hands-on skills as a big plus熟悉電腦軟體使用,擁有製作線上文件與影片編輯能力。
  • Fluent in English





ViewSonic規劃符合組織與個人發展之學習方案,讓同仁充分發揮潛能與專業志趣。開放式的組織環境以及自由愉快的工作氣氛,帶領每一位員工盡情揮灑熱情並尋找到屬於自己的絕佳舞台。 具競爭力之薪資制度 公司提供具市場競爭力的薪資制度,並不吝與同仁分享營運上的績優表現。



■ 保障薪資14個月

■ 與獲利連結之員工分紅 優於勞基法之福利措施

■ 完善的保險計畫: 依法為每位員工投保勞工保險、全民健康保險及每月定期提繳退休金外,員工享有團體綜合保險保障,包括壽險、意外險、醫療險、癌症險等。員工並可自費為眷屬加保,享受優於業界之保障內容與額度。

■ 彈性的假勤制度: 給予一年7天有薪年假加上5天全薪病假。

■ 周詳的員工保健方案: 重視同仁的身心健康,定期辦理員工健康檢查方案,幫助同仁掌握健康狀況。 重視工作環境與生活品質之間的平衡。明亮優雅的辦公空間及全天候的咖啡供應,讓員工在工作同時也能享受生活。

■ 優惠的員購機會: 本公司各項產品均可洽詢員購優惠價格。

■ 豐富的福委會活動: 規劃年度員工旅遊、系列講座、社團活動 (瑜珈社、登山社、籃球社、羽球社、桌球社)、婚喪補助、年節獎金、年度buffet聚餐、特約商店等活動,增進同仁間情感交流。

■ 獨創的藝文陶冶環境: 除了掛滿名家畫作的辦公環境外,不定期舉辦主題性知名畫家之畫作展覽,培養同仁的藝文氣息與美學觀念,鼓勵從藝術氛圍中激發創意。

■ 員工健身房: 全新完工的舒適健身房,提供員工多樣化的運動選擇,讓員工可以達到健康生活、快樂工作的目標。


NT$ 50,000 - (月薪)