



✨ 基礎薪資 + 業務獎金制(當月業績達標/當季業績獎金)(補助交通津貼)

As a Business Engineer at our company, you will be responsible for maintaining existing relationships with domestic and overseas clients, handling daily orders, and developing new customers. You will also be tasked with developing sales and pricing strategies, communicating effectively with various departments within the company to help customers receive their orders within the agreed upon timeframe, organizing sales data, sales expectations, and customer lists, and providing feedback to the company's internal teams. In addition, you will assist customers in resolving post-sales issues and refer them to other personnel within the company for after-sales service.

We are looking for someone who is not only adept at handling business operations, but also has a keen sense of current events on the social and international level. As such, you will be expected to hold user interaction activities, including education and training programs, and product testing events on a regular basis.

The right candidate will have excellent communication and coordination skills, be detail-oriented, and able to work independently without supervision. You will need to possess strong problem solving skills, be adaptable to change, and continuously strive to learn and improve your performance.

In addition to a base salary of 28,000 TWD per month, we offer a business bonus system based on monthly performance and provide transportation subsidies. If you have a passion for IoT, information platforms, and education, and are looking for an exciting opportunity to grow with a vibrant startup, we encourage you to apply.


a. 工作經歷: 不拘
b. 學歷要求: 大學或以上
c. 科系要求: 工程相關、商科相關
d. 其他條件:  





Extended Additional Qualifications:

In addition to the requirements listed, the ideal candidate for this role would possess some additional qualifications. Firstly, having experience with project management and handling IoT integration projects would be beneficial for this role. Secondly, having a basic understanding of Drone CI/CD Pipeline and the ability to work with it would be advantageous. Additionally, having knowledge of the drone industry and its various applications would be helpful.

Moreover, if the candidate has experience working on cross-functional projects and has expertise in engineering or related fields, it would be an added advantage. The candidate should also be able to manage their workload effectively and work independently with minimal supervision. Having excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate effectively with internal teams is essential.

Finally, the candidate should have a strong desire to learn and develop their skills continuously. They should be excited about working on new projects and be interested in exploring innovative solutions for customer service and product development. A conversational level of English proficiency is required for this role.






  1. 三節禮:我們尊重傳統文化,提供完善的節日禮品,讓夥伴們在重要節日感受到溫馨與祝福。

  2. 零食櫃、膠囊咖啡:公司設有充滿各式美味零食的零食櫃,以及供應高品質咖啡的膠囊咖啡機,讓夥伴們在工作間隙享受愉悅的小確幸。

  3. 年終獎金:根據公司整體績效表現進行員工分紅,讓夥伴們分享公司成長的成果。

  4. 優於同業的薪資:我們重視夥伴的價值和貢獻,提供競爭力強的薪資待遇,讓夥伴們得到應有的回報。

  5. 定期的公司聚餐:公司定期舉辦聚餐活動,增進團隊凝聚力,促進同事間的交流和友誼。

  6. 員工旅遊:每年舉辦一次豐富多彩的員工旅遊活動,讓夥伴們放鬆心情,享受愉快的假期時光。

  7. 彈性上班時間:我們提供彈性的上班時間安排,讓夥伴們更好地平衡工作與生活,提高工作效率和工作滿意度。

  8. 每季教育訓練精進課程:定期舉辦各類專業培訓和技能提升課程,幫助夥伴不斷學習成長,提升專業素養。

  9. 舒適的工作環境:公司提供舒適現代化的辦公環境,配備先進的辦公設施和工作工具,營造良好的工作氛圍和工作品質。



NT$ 30,000 - 70,000 (月薪)