Robotics Software Research Scientist


Do you dream of empowering breakthroughs and achievements in science and engineering? Are you recognized as a top specialist in your field of engineering or science? Are you fascinated by the infinite possibilities of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence? If the answers are yes to all of the above, then the ASUS Robotics & AI Center is the perfect entity for you to thrive.


We are a world-class Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Center. Our goal is to create a multidisciplinary team of the world’s brightest engineers to develop ambitious technologies that will define the future. If you have the passion, knowledge, and expertise to contribute to an elite team of international experts, we strongly encourage you to get in touch today.


  1. Bachelor’s degree or higher in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, or related fields
  2. Expertise in machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, robotics, control theory, and/or mathematical optimization
  3. Exceptional academic track record
  4. Highly experienced in algorithm development and software architecture design
  5. Strong communication skills
  6. 2+ years of software development experience
  7. Understanding of the best practices in the software development process including coding standards, code reviews, design patterns, source control management, and test automation
  8. Expert in at least one programming language including C/C++/Python





  1. 勞保、健保、團保。
  2. 華碩員購網。
  3. 三節獎金、績效獎金、專利獎金、模範員工獎金。
  4. 文康券、員工暨子女獎助學金、生日禮券、婚喪喜慶禮金補助、餐飲補助。
  5. 不定期文康活動、華碩家庭日。
  6. 年度員工健康檢查、哺乳室、員工醫務室、醫生駐診。
  7. 五星級休閒中心( 綜合球場、健身房、游泳池、SPA 、三溫暖烤箱、瑜珈韻律教室等各項休閒措施)、美食街飲食。

