Sr. Staff Android Engineer 資深主任安卓工程師




我們正在尋找 資深Android主任工程師 來加入我們的手機核心團隊,手機核心團隊負責提供牢固且模組化的套件來幫助產品團隊能夠持續地、快速地、低風險地完成產出。
資深Android主任工程師 要幫助制定 Android 團隊技術方向並驅動所有團隊不斷地完善自我。




1. 使用原生的 Android 語言開發,提供吸引人的使用者體驗並兼顧高度的可測試性。
2. 確保我們的程式架構夠彈性以因應不同的變動,來符合新創團隊快速的步調。
3. 設定 Android 團隊的技術目標。
4. 幫助其他工程團隊提升生產力。
5. 提升 Android 團隊的技術與能力。
6. 與產品、設計團隊溝通合作,確保符合產品方向與良好的使用者體驗。


The Role

We are seeking a Sr. Staff level Android engineer to join our core mobile team.

The core mobile team builds and maintains a secure, modular mobile platform, allowing our product teams to ship quickly, safely, sustainably.


A Sr. Staff Engineer will help set the technical vision for the platform and drive the continuous improvement of both the platform and the team. You enjoy being full-time hands-on with code as well as collaborating with your engineering, product, and design colleagues. Your designs and solutions are clean and you can communicate them clearly to both your team and to product and engineering leaders. You are driven to ship value to our members frequently. You enjoy being part of a high-performing team.


What you’ll do:

  1. Build engaging, testable native Android mobile experience for our members
  2. Ensure that our codebase remains easy to change and is always shippable
  3. Participate in setting the technical vision for Android team
  4. Ensure our mobile platform allows for multiple vertical teams to easily delivery value
  5. Grow Android team skills and capabilities
  6. Communicate and collaborate with product and design



1. 展示近期開發的手機 app 軟體。
2. 7 年以上的軟體開發經驗。
3. 4 年以上的 Android 原生手機 app 開發經驗。
4. 精通 Android app 架構設計與設計模式。
5. 撰寫擴展性高、可靠性高、高內聚力與低耦合度的程式碼。
6. 樂於挑戰新領域。
7. 樂於與他人協作。
8. 樂於展現領導能力。




1. 具備開發 frameworks 的經驗。
2. 具備大型、複雜的重構經驗。
3. 科技足跡,例如專利。
4. 熟悉 CI/CD。
5. 熟悉 UI/Unit 測試。
6. 具備直播相關領域知識。


What you’ll need:

  1. Recent, demonstrable experience shipping mobile apps frequently, safely, sustainably, according to the principles of Continuous Delivery
  2. 7+ years of Software development experience
  3. 4+ years experience building native mobile apps for Android
  4. Conversant in mobile architecture and patterns
  5. Write robust, extensible, reliable, high cohesion and low coupling codes
  6. Willingness to learn new business domains
  7. Willingness to collaborate with others to get stuff done
  8. Willingness to grow your leadership skills


Nice to have:

  1. Experience with building frameworks
  2. Experience with complicated refactoring
  3. Technical footprint such as patents
  4. Familiar with CI/CD
  5. Familiar with UI/Unit testing
  6. Streaming domain knowledge






- 提供三節禮金
- 優秀人才推薦獎金

- 優渥薪資
- 在職滿一年保障年薪 14 個月

- 寬敞明亮辦公環境
- Macbook Air 13吋
- Macbook Pro 15吋
- 外接顯示器或iMac 27

- 員工休閒區:提供清新舒適交誼空間
- 各式聚餐與團隊凝聚活動
- 17Café享受把咖啡廳搬進辦公室

- 優於勞基法特休假條件
- 到職即享有年假及全薪病假
- 為犒賞員工,還有專屬生日假

- 享有定期內部、教育訓練、案例分享、研討會
- 年度職能進修補助與健康檢查補助

- 與美、日、中、新、馬等,國內外技術、行銷、管理優秀人才共事,提升國際視野與競爭力


NT$ 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 (年薪)